Bug 1910519 Comment 4 Edit History

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The time is all spent in a11y code and probably a dupe of bug 1876192.

@ majoranaoedipus:  Can you do these please:

1. Type about:support in your browser and copy-paste its contents to this bug
2. Type about:config in your browser, and set accessibility.force_disabled =1 . Then restart the browser and try to reproduce this issue. Does the issue get fixed for you?
The time is all spent in a11y code  ~and probably a dupe of bug 1876192.~

@ majoranaoedipus:  Can you do these please:

1. Type about:support in your browser and copy-paste its contents to this bug
2. Type about:config in your browser, and set accessibility.force_disabled =1 . Then restart the browser and try to reproduce this issue. Does the issue get fixed for you?

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