Bug 1910613 Comment 4 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

Running the existing system tests against stage 10 times in a row with no breaks yields this set of timings:

round 0: elapsed: 0:01:04.864894
round 1: elapsed: 0:02:35.779171
round 2: elapsed: 0:02:35.855127
round 3: elapsed: 0:02:38.264483
round 4: elapsed: 0:02:36.296327
round 5: elapsed: 0:02:36.322767
round 6: elapsed: 0:02:05.452292
round 7: elapsed: 0:02:35.818059
round 8: elapsed: 0:02:36.022828
round 9: elapsed: 0:02:37.009649

The first round is 1 minute. The others all hit rate-limiting and take between 2 and 2.5 minutes to run.

If I understand correctly, the systemtests (skipping large_files tests) are doing:

* 2 uploads
* 1 upload with a bad token
* 1 upload-by-download

That's 4 uploads. When the tests hit rate-limiting, they sleep for 30 seconds and retry. It's probably the case that each test run is retrying 3 times.

We have the upload API dashboard. Here's the period where I ran 10 rounds of the systemtests:


I'll use that for a baseline to measure changes against.
Running the existing system tests against stage 10 times in a row with no breaks yields this set of timings:

round 0: elapsed: 0:01:04.864894
round 1: elapsed: 0:02:35.779171
round 2: elapsed: 0:02:35.855127
round 3: elapsed: 0:02:38.264483
round 4: elapsed: 0:02:36.296327
round 5: elapsed: 0:02:36.322767
round 6: elapsed: 0:02:05.452292
round 7: elapsed: 0:02:35.818059
round 8: elapsed: 0:02:36.022828
round 9: elapsed: 0:02:37.009649

The first round is 1 minute. The others all hit rate-limiting and take between 2 and 2.5 minutes to run.

If I understand correctly, the systemtests (skipping large_files tests) are doing:

* 2 uploads
* 1 upload with a bad token
* 1 upload-by-download

That's 4 uploads. When the tests hit rate-limiting, they sleep for 30 seconds and retry. It's probably the case that each test run is retrying 3 times.

We have the upload API dashboard. Here's the period where I ran 10 rounds of the systemtests:


I'll use that for a baseline to measure changes against.

I can use the new systemtest bits to put together a rough load test.

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