(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #5) > Looking at the screenshots of the broken rendering in e.g. comment 3: it looks like ad container element (the element with a gray-background and a black bottom and top border) is ending up too short, and the ad is then overflowing onto the content that follows it. Aha, maybe the container element is just as tall as it always is (`304px` tall) and the ad itself (which gets inserted into it) is just extremely tall? Looking at the [screenshot in the github issue](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/b83972c2a52a3fde0ab5c0f0a3cee1de765ac642f857a02f1ebec96eae923357/68747470733a2f2f776562636f6d7061742e636f6d2f75706c6f6164732f323032342f382f30623939343762382d636666362d343764372d623764362d3432303863373332656361662e6a706567), it does look like there's a very tall-and-skinny ad there rather than a portrait-oriented one; and maybe that's true on the left half of comment 3, too (I can't immediately tell how tall the ad is since it looks like we're scrolled down a bit and so the top of the ad is clipped there.) The ad content here is an iframe with `width="300" height="250"` attributes. I can synthetically reproduce something like the bad-rendering (in both Firefox and Chrome) if I add a border to that iframe and then increase its specified `height` to `750` or similar. (The actual ad content doesn't change its height, but the border does suddenly jut down into the content that follows.)
Bug 1911737 Comment 6 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #5) > Looking at the screenshots of the broken rendering in e.g. comment 3: it looks like ad container element (the element with a gray-background and a black bottom and top border) is ending up too short, and the ad is then overflowing onto the content that follows it. Aha, maybe the container element is just as tall as it always is (`304px` tall) and the ad itself (which gets inserted into it) is just extremely tall? Looking at the [screenshot in the github issue](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/b83972c2a52a3fde0ab5c0f0a3cee1de765ac642f857a02f1ebec96eae923357/68747470733a2f2f776562636f6d7061742e636f6d2f75706c6f6164732f323032342f382f30623939343762382d636666362d343764372d623764362d3432303863373332656361662e6a706567), it does look like there's a very tall-and-skinny ad there rather than a "portrait-oriented" (shorter-than-300px) one; and maybe that's true on the left half of Raul's screenshot in comment 3, too (I can't immediately tell how tall the ad is since it looks like we're scrolled down a bit and so the top of the ad is clipped there; but it does look taller than the ad image that I'm seeing when I load this page locally.) The ad content here is an iframe with `width="300" height="250"` attributes. I can synthetically reproduce something like the bad-rendering (in both Firefox and Chrome) if I add a border to that iframe and then increase its specified `height` to `750` or similar. (The actual ad content doesn't change its height, but the border does suddenly jut down into the content that follows.)