Bug 1914343 had a crashtest failure and tried to take a screenshot, but the screenshot failed, with: ``` Failed to spawn child process “/usr/bin/gnome-screenshot” (No such file or directory) ``` Log link: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer?job_id=471302633&repo=autoland It looks like that error message is saying that `gnome-screenshot` binary is missing. I think our usage of `gnome-screenshot` goes back to bug 1835707, and it was noted there that we needed to install a new package in order for the utility to be available (bug 1835707 comment 12, bug 1835707 comment 17). So: I'm guessing that the package may not be installed on this particular configuration, which is why the binary is missing. ahal & aerickson, looks like you both were looking into adding/verifying that `gnome-screenshot` was available over in bug 1835707 -- could one of you check why it's not present on this particular config, and get it added so that this sort of test-failure can be properly screenshotted? Thanks!
Bug 1914495 Comment 0 Edit History
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Bug 1914343 hit a harness timeout during a crashtest run, and tried to take a screenshot, but the screenshot failed, with: ``` Failed to spawn child process “/usr/bin/gnome-screenshot” (No such file or directory) ``` Log link: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer?job_id=471302633&repo=autoland It looks like that error message is saying that `gnome-screenshot` binary is missing. I think our usage of `gnome-screenshot` goes back to bug 1835707, and it was noted there that we needed to install a new package in order for the utility to be available (bug 1835707 comment 12, bug 1835707 comment 17). So: I'm guessing that the package may not be installed on this particular configuration, which is why the binary is missing. ahal & aerickson, looks like you both were looking into adding/verifying that `gnome-screenshot` was available over in bug 1835707 -- could one of you check why it's not present on this particular config, and get it added so that this sort of test-failure can be properly screenshotted? Thanks!