Bug 1915297 Comment 1 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

There seem to be two shader compilation issues in my testing on my M1 Macbook Pro:

* A shader named `Concat` is blocked on dynamic indexing into constant array values (bug 1913424); source:


        struct Uniforms { outputSize:u32, sizeInConcatAxis0:u32, sizeInConcatAxis1:u32, input0_shape:vec4<u32>, input0_strides:vec4<u32>, input1_shape:vec4<u32>, input1_strides:vec4<u32>, output_shape:vec4<u32>, output_strides:vec4<u32> };
        @group(0) @binding(3) var<uniform> uniforms: Uniforms;
    fn i2o_input0(indices: vec4<u32>) -> u32 {
      return uniforms.input0_strides[3] * (indices[3])+uniforms.input0_strides[2] * (indices[2])+uniforms.input0_strides[1] * (indices[1])+uniforms.input0_strides[0] * (indices[0]);

    fn get_input0ByIndices(indices: vec4<u32>) -> f32 {
      return input0[i2o_input0(indices)];

    fn i2o_input1(indices: vec4<u32>) -> u32 {
      return uniforms.input1_strides[3] * (indices[3])+uniforms.input1_strides[2] * (indices[2])+uniforms.input1_strides[1] * (indices[1])+uniforms.input1_strides[0] * (indices[0]);

    fn get_input1ByIndices(indices: vec4<u32>) -> f32 {
      return input1[i2o_input1(indices)];

    fn o2i_output(offset: u32) -> vec4<u32> {
      var indices: vec4<u32>;
      var current = offset;

      let dim0 = current / uniforms.output_strides[0];
      let rest0 = current % uniforms.output_strides[0];
      indices[0] = dim0;
      current = rest0;

      let dim1 = current / uniforms.output_strides[1];
      let rest1 = current % uniforms.output_strides[1];
      indices[1] = dim1;
      current = rest1;

      let dim2 = current / uniforms.output_strides[2];
      let rest2 = current % uniforms.output_strides[2];
      indices[2] = dim2;
      current = rest2;
      indices[3] = current;
      return indices;

    @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read> input0: array<f32>;
    @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read> input1: array<f32>;
    @group(0) @binding(2) var<storage, read_write> output: array<f32>;

    fn calculateInputIndex(index: u32) -> u32 {
      let sizeInConcatAxis = array<u32, 2u>(uniforms.sizeInConcatAxis0,uniforms.sizeInConcatAxis1);
      for (var i: u32 = 0u; i < 2; i += 1u ) {
        if (index < sizeInConcatAxis[i]) {
          return i;
      return 2u;

    @compute @workgroup_size(64, 1, 1)
    fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id : vec3<u32>,
      @builtin(workgroup_id) workgroup_id : vec3<u32>,
      @builtin(local_invocation_id) local_id : vec3<u32>) {
      let global_idx = global_id.x; let local_idx = local_id.x;

      if (global_idx >= uniforms.outputSize) { return; }

      var indices = o2i_output(global_idx);

      let inputIndex = calculateInputIndex(indices[3]);
      if (inputIndex != 0u) {
        let sizeInConcatAxis = array<u32, 2u>(uniforms.sizeInConcatAxis0,uniforms.sizeInConcatAxis1);
        indices[3] -= sizeInConcatAxis[inputIndex - 1u];

      if (inputIndex == 0u) { output[global_idx]=get_input0ByIndices(indices); }
    else { output[global_idx]=get_input1ByIndices(indices); }

    ...where the error returned by Naga states:

       ┌─ Concat.wgsl:49:3
    49 │ ╭   fn calculateInputIndex(index: u32) -> u32 {
    50 │ │     let sizeInConcatAxis = array<u32, 2u>(uniforms.sizeInConcatAxis0,uniforms.sizeInConcatAxis1);
    51 │ │     for (var i: u32 = 0u; i < 2; i += 1u ) {
    52 │ │       if (index < sizeInConcatAxis[i]) {
       │ │                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ naga::Expression [14]
       · │
    55 │ │     }
    56 │ │     return 2u;
       │ ╰──────────────^ naga::Function [5]

    Function [5] 'calculateInputIndex' is invalid:
            Expression [14] is invalid
            The expression [7] may only be indexed by a constant

* Another shader titled `Resize` has this source:


        struct Uniforms { output_size:u32, scales:vec4<f32>, roi:array<vec4<f32>, 2>, input_shape:vec4<u32>, input_strides:vec4<u32>, output_shape:vec4<u32>, output_strides:vec4<u32> };
        @group(0) @binding(2) var<uniform> uniforms: Uniforms;
    fn i2o_input(indices: vec4<u32>) -> u32 {
      return uniforms.input_strides[3] * (indices[3])+uniforms.input_strides[2] * (indices[2])+uniforms.input_strides[1] * (indices[1])+uniforms.input_strides[0] * (indices[0]);

    fn get_inputByIndices(indices: vec4<u32>) -> f32 {
      return input[i2o_input(indices)];

    fn o2i_output(offset: u32) -> vec4<u32> {
      var indices: vec4<u32>;
      var current = offset;

      let dim0 = current / uniforms.output_strides[0];
      let rest0 = current % uniforms.output_strides[0];
      indices[0] = dim0;
      current = rest0;

      let dim1 = current / uniforms.output_strides[1];
      let rest1 = current % uniforms.output_strides[1];
      indices[1] = dim1;
      current = rest1;

      let dim2 = current / uniforms.output_strides[2];
      let rest2 = current % uniforms.output_strides[2];
      indices[2] = dim2;
      current = rest2;
      indices[3] = current;
      return indices;

        fn getOriginalCoordinateFromResizedCoordinate(xResized: u32, xScale: f32, lengthResized: u32,
       lengthOriginal: u32, roiStart: f32, roiEnd: f32) -> f32 { return ((f32(xResized) + 0.5) / f32(xScale)) - 0.5;};

      fn calculateOriginalIndicesFromOutputIndices(output_indices: vec4<u32>) -> array<f32, 4> {
        var original_indices: array<f32, 4>;
        for (var i:u32 = 0; i < 4; i++) {
          var output_index = output_indices[i];
          var scale = uniforms.scales[i];
          var roi_low = uniforms.roi[(i) / 4][(i) % 4];
          var roi_hi = uniforms.roi[(i + 4) / 4][(i + 4) % 4];
          if (scale == 1.0) {
            original_indices[i] = f32(output_index);
          } else {
            var input_shape_i = uniforms.input_shape[i];
            var output_shape_i = uniforms.output_shape[i];
            original_indices[i] = getOriginalCoordinateFromResizedCoordinate(output_index, scale, output_shape_i,
                                                                             input_shape_i, roi_low, roi_hi);
        return original_indices;

      fn getInputValue(batch: u32, channel: u32, row: u32, col: u32) -> f32 {
        var input_indices: vec4<u32>;
        input_indices[2]=max(0, min(row, 16 - 1));;
        input_indices[3]=max(0, min(col, 16 - 1));;


        return get_inputByIndices(input_indices);

      fn bilinearInterpolation(output_indices: vec4<u32>) -> f32 {
        var originalIndices = calculateOriginalIndicesFromOutputIndices(output_indices);
        var row:f32 = originalIndices[2];
        var col:f32 = originalIndices[3];
        row = max(0, min(row, 16 - 1));
        col = max(0, min(col, 16 - 1));
        var row1: u32 = u32(row);
        var col1: u32 = u32(col);
        var row2: u32 = u32(row + 1);
        var col2: u32 = u32(col + 1);
        var channel: u32 = u32(originalIndices[1]);
        var batch: u32 =  u32(originalIndices[0]);
        var x11: f32 = getInputValue(batch, channel, row1, col1);
        var x12: f32 = getInputValue(batch, channel, row1, col2);
        var x21: f32 = getInputValue(batch, channel, row2, col1);
        var x22: f32 = getInputValue(batch, channel, row2, col2);
        var dx1: f32 = abs(row - f32(row1));
        var dx2: f32 = abs(f32(row2) - row);
        var dy1: f32 = abs(col - f32(col1));
        var dy2: f32 = abs(f32(col2) - col);
        if (row1 == row2) {
          dx1 = 0.5;
          dx2 = 0.5;
        if (col1 == col2) {
          dy1 = 0.5;
          dy2 = 0.5;
        return (x11 * dx2 * dy2 + x12 * dx2 * dy1 + x21 * dx1 * dy2 + x22 * dx1 * dy1);

        @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read> input: array<f32>;
    @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> output: array<f32>;
        @compute @workgroup_size(64, 1, 1)
    fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id : vec3<u32>,
      @builtin(workgroup_id) workgroup_id : vec3<u32>,
      @builtin(local_invocation_id) local_id : vec3<u32>) {
      let global_idx = global_id.x; let local_idx = local_id.x;

          if (global_idx >= uniforms.output_size) { return; }

          let output_indices = o2i_output(global_idx);
          var input_indices: vec4<u32>;
          output[global_idx] = bilinearInterpolation(output_indices);;


    ...with this error in Naga:

       ┌─ Resize.wgsl:59:5
    59 │ ╭     fn getInputValue(batch: u32, channel: u32, row: u32, col: u32) -> f32 {
    60 │ │       var input_indices: vec4<u32>;
    61 │ │       input_indices[2]=max(0, min(row, 16 - 1));;
       │ │                               ^^^ naga::Expression [8]
    62 │ │       input_indices[3]=max(0, min(col, 16 - 1));;
       · │
    66 │ │
    67 │ │       return get_inputByIndices(input_indices);
       │ ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────^ naga::Function [5]

    Function [5] 'getInputValue' is invalid:
            Expression [8] is invalid
            Argument [1] to Min as expression [7] has an invalid type.
There seem to be two shader compilation issues in my testing on my M1 Macbook Pro:

* A shader named `Concat` is blocked on dynamic indexing into constant array values (bug 1913424); source:


        struct Uniforms { outputSize:u32, sizeInConcatAxis0:u32, sizeInConcatAxis1:u32, input0_shape:vec4<u32>, input0_strides:vec4<u32>, input1_shape:vec4<u32>, input1_strides:vec4<u32>, output_shape:vec4<u32>, output_strides:vec4<u32> };
        @group(0) @binding(3) var<uniform> uniforms: Uniforms;
    fn i2o_input0(indices: vec4<u32>) -> u32 {
      return uniforms.input0_strides[3] * (indices[3])+uniforms.input0_strides[2] * (indices[2])+uniforms.input0_strides[1] * (indices[1])+uniforms.input0_strides[0] * (indices[0]);

    fn get_input0ByIndices(indices: vec4<u32>) -> f32 {
      return input0[i2o_input0(indices)];

    fn i2o_input1(indices: vec4<u32>) -> u32 {
      return uniforms.input1_strides[3] * (indices[3])+uniforms.input1_strides[2] * (indices[2])+uniforms.input1_strides[1] * (indices[1])+uniforms.input1_strides[0] * (indices[0]);

    fn get_input1ByIndices(indices: vec4<u32>) -> f32 {
      return input1[i2o_input1(indices)];

    fn o2i_output(offset: u32) -> vec4<u32> {
      var indices: vec4<u32>;
      var current = offset;

      let dim0 = current / uniforms.output_strides[0];
      let rest0 = current % uniforms.output_strides[0];
      indices[0] = dim0;
      current = rest0;

      let dim1 = current / uniforms.output_strides[1];
      let rest1 = current % uniforms.output_strides[1];
      indices[1] = dim1;
      current = rest1;

      let dim2 = current / uniforms.output_strides[2];
      let rest2 = current % uniforms.output_strides[2];
      indices[2] = dim2;
      current = rest2;
      indices[3] = current;
      return indices;

    @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read> input0: array<f32>;
    @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read> input1: array<f32>;
    @group(0) @binding(2) var<storage, read_write> output: array<f32>;

    fn calculateInputIndex(index: u32) -> u32 {
      let sizeInConcatAxis = array<u32, 2u>(uniforms.sizeInConcatAxis0,uniforms.sizeInConcatAxis1);
      for (var i: u32 = 0u; i < 2; i += 1u ) {
        if (index < sizeInConcatAxis[i]) {
          return i;
      return 2u;

    @compute @workgroup_size(64, 1, 1)
    fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id : vec3<u32>,
      @builtin(workgroup_id) workgroup_id : vec3<u32>,
      @builtin(local_invocation_id) local_id : vec3<u32>) {
      let global_idx = global_id.x; let local_idx = local_id.x;

      if (global_idx >= uniforms.outputSize) { return; }

      var indices = o2i_output(global_idx);

      let inputIndex = calculateInputIndex(indices[3]);
      if (inputIndex != 0u) {
        let sizeInConcatAxis = array<u32, 2u>(uniforms.sizeInConcatAxis0,uniforms.sizeInConcatAxis1);
        indices[3] -= sizeInConcatAxis[inputIndex - 1u];

      if (inputIndex == 0u) { output[global_idx]=get_input0ByIndices(indices); }
    else { output[global_idx]=get_input1ByIndices(indices); }

    ...where the error returned by Naga states:

       ┌─ Concat.wgsl:49:3
    49 │ ╭   fn calculateInputIndex(index: u32) -> u32 {
    50 │ │     let sizeInConcatAxis = array<u32, 2u>(uniforms.sizeInConcatAxis0,uniforms.sizeInConcatAxis1);
    51 │ │     for (var i: u32 = 0u; i < 2; i += 1u ) {
    52 │ │       if (index < sizeInConcatAxis[i]) {
       │ │                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ naga::Expression [14]
       · │
    55 │ │     }
    56 │ │     return 2u;
       │ ╰──────────────^ naga::Function [5]

    Function [5] 'calculateInputIndex' is invalid:
            Expression [14] is invalid
            The expression [7] may only be indexed by a constant

* Another shader titled `Resize` has this source:


        struct Uniforms { output_size:u32, scales:vec4<f32>, roi:array<vec4<f32>, 2>, input_shape:vec4<u32>, input_strides:vec4<u32>, output_shape:vec4<u32>, output_strides:vec4<u32> };
        @group(0) @binding(2) var<uniform> uniforms: Uniforms;
    fn i2o_input(indices: vec4<u32>) -> u32 {
      return uniforms.input_strides[3] * (indices[3])+uniforms.input_strides[2] * (indices[2])+uniforms.input_strides[1] * (indices[1])+uniforms.input_strides[0] * (indices[0]);

    fn get_inputByIndices(indices: vec4<u32>) -> f32 {
      return input[i2o_input(indices)];

    fn o2i_output(offset: u32) -> vec4<u32> {
      var indices: vec4<u32>;
      var current = offset;

      let dim0 = current / uniforms.output_strides[0];
      let rest0 = current % uniforms.output_strides[0];
      indices[0] = dim0;
      current = rest0;

      let dim1 = current / uniforms.output_strides[1];
      let rest1 = current % uniforms.output_strides[1];
      indices[1] = dim1;
      current = rest1;

      let dim2 = current / uniforms.output_strides[2];
      let rest2 = current % uniforms.output_strides[2];
      indices[2] = dim2;
      current = rest2;
      indices[3] = current;
      return indices;

        fn getOriginalCoordinateFromResizedCoordinate(xResized: u32, xScale: f32, lengthResized: u32,
       lengthOriginal: u32, roiStart: f32, roiEnd: f32) -> f32 { return ((f32(xResized) + 0.5) / f32(xScale)) - 0.5;};

      fn calculateOriginalIndicesFromOutputIndices(output_indices: vec4<u32>) -> array<f32, 4> {
        var original_indices: array<f32, 4>;
        for (var i:u32 = 0; i < 4; i++) {
          var output_index = output_indices[i];
          var scale = uniforms.scales[i];
          var roi_low = uniforms.roi[(i) / 4][(i) % 4];
          var roi_hi = uniforms.roi[(i + 4) / 4][(i + 4) % 4];
          if (scale == 1.0) {
            original_indices[i] = f32(output_index);
          } else {
            var input_shape_i = uniforms.input_shape[i];
            var output_shape_i = uniforms.output_shape[i];
            original_indices[i] = getOriginalCoordinateFromResizedCoordinate(output_index, scale, output_shape_i,
                                                                             input_shape_i, roi_low, roi_hi);
        return original_indices;

      fn getInputValue(batch: u32, channel: u32, row: u32, col: u32) -> f32 {
        var input_indices: vec4<u32>;
        input_indices[2]=max(0, min(row, 16 - 1));;
        input_indices[3]=max(0, min(col, 16 - 1));;


        return get_inputByIndices(input_indices);

      fn bilinearInterpolation(output_indices: vec4<u32>) -> f32 {
        var originalIndices = calculateOriginalIndicesFromOutputIndices(output_indices);
        var row:f32 = originalIndices[2];
        var col:f32 = originalIndices[3];
        row = max(0, min(row, 16 - 1));
        col = max(0, min(col, 16 - 1));
        var row1: u32 = u32(row);
        var col1: u32 = u32(col);
        var row2: u32 = u32(row + 1);
        var col2: u32 = u32(col + 1);
        var channel: u32 = u32(originalIndices[1]);
        var batch: u32 =  u32(originalIndices[0]);
        var x11: f32 = getInputValue(batch, channel, row1, col1);
        var x12: f32 = getInputValue(batch, channel, row1, col2);
        var x21: f32 = getInputValue(batch, channel, row2, col1);
        var x22: f32 = getInputValue(batch, channel, row2, col2);
        var dx1: f32 = abs(row - f32(row1));
        var dx2: f32 = abs(f32(row2) - row);
        var dy1: f32 = abs(col - f32(col1));
        var dy2: f32 = abs(f32(col2) - col);
        if (row1 == row2) {
          dx1 = 0.5;
          dx2 = 0.5;
        if (col1 == col2) {
          dy1 = 0.5;
          dy2 = 0.5;
        return (x11 * dx2 * dy2 + x12 * dx2 * dy1 + x21 * dx1 * dy2 + x22 * dx1 * dy1);

        @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read> input: array<f32>;
    @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> output: array<f32>;
        @compute @workgroup_size(64, 1, 1)
    fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id : vec3<u32>,
      @builtin(workgroup_id) workgroup_id : vec3<u32>,
      @builtin(local_invocation_id) local_id : vec3<u32>) {
      let global_idx = global_id.x; let local_idx = local_id.x;

          if (global_idx >= uniforms.output_size) { return; }

          let output_indices = o2i_output(global_idx);
          var input_indices: vec4<u32>;
          output[global_idx] = bilinearInterpolation(output_indices);;


    ...with this error in Naga (almost certainly bug 1829879):

       ┌─ Resize.wgsl:59:5
    59 │ ╭     fn getInputValue(batch: u32, channel: u32, row: u32, col: u32) -> f32 {
    60 │ │       var input_indices: vec4<u32>;
    61 │ │       input_indices[2]=max(0, min(row, 16 - 1));;
       │ │                               ^^^ naga::Expression [8]
    62 │ │       input_indices[3]=max(0, min(col, 16 - 1));;
       · │
    66 │ │
    67 │ │       return get_inputByIndices(input_indices);
       │ ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────^ naga::Function [5]

    Function [5] 'getInputValue' is invalid:
            Expression [8] is invalid
            Argument [1] to Min as expression [7] has an invalid type.

Back to Bug 1915297 Comment 1