Bug 1915572 Comment 7 Edit History

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Shader 'Softmax' parsing error: expected assignment or increment/decrement, found 'wg'
   ┌─ wgsl:30:15
30 │         const wg = 64;
   │               ^^ expected assignment or increment/decrement

This problem, at least, has been fixed upstream by this PR: https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/6156

Firefox's next wgpu update should bring this into Mozilla Central, and hence Nightly.
Shader 'Softmax' parsing error: expected assignment or increment/decrement, found 'wg'
   ┌─ wgsl:30:15
30 │         const wg = 64;
   │               ^^ expected assignment or increment/decrement

I believe this problem, at least, has been fixed upstream by this PR: https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/6156

Firefox's next wgpu update should bring this into Mozilla Central, and hence Nightly.

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