Go to http://paperjs.org/examples/spiral-raster/ On the top-right, click on "source' search for: "length: count / 100" and replace by : "length: count / 1000" Click on "Run" in the top-right. Nightly: https://share.firefox.dev/4dF7xhp (13s) Chrome: https://share.firefox.dev/4g3buhs (6s)
Bug 1915793 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
Go to http://paperjs.org/examples/spiral-raster/ On the top-right, click on "source' EITHER replace all the code in the demo with the attached code OR search for: "length: count / 100" and replace by : "length: count / 1000" Click on "Run" in the top-right. Nightly: https://share.firefox.dev/4dF7xhp (13s) Chrome: https://share.firefox.dev/4g3buhs (6s)