Bug 1923385 Comment 0 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. 
- This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 
- Main Menu
-     Bookmarks
Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.
- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. 
- This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 
- Main Menu
-     Bookmarks
Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.
- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. 
- This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 
- Main Menu
Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.
- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. 
- This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 
- Main Menu
-     Bookmarks
-     Downloads
-     Passwords
-     History
-     Settings
-     Account

- Sub-Menu
-     Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
-     Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.
- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. 
- This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 
**Main Menu**
-     Bookmarks
-     Downloads
-     Passwords
-     History
-     Settings
-     Account
-     Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
-     Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.
- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. 
- This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 

**Main Menu**
-     Bookmarks
-     Downloads
-     Passwords
-     History
-     Settings
-     Account
-     Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
-     Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.
- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 

**Main Menu**
-     Bookmarks
-     Downloads
-     Passwords
-     History
-     Settings
-     Account
-     Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
-     Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.
- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 

**Main Menu**
-     Bookmarks
-     Downloads
-     Passwords
-     History
-     Settings
-     Account
-     Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
-     Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.

[Figma Link](https://www.figma.com/design/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?node-id=18249-158017&t=E7KANn7pxp3QC4R5-4)

Animation Prototype - [Link](https://www.figma.com/proto/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?page-id=8438%3A25585&node-id=18249-158048&viewport=-1096%2C-1703%2C0.44&t=k18Ww0FdMo9i8Vnv-8&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=18249%3A158048&show-proto-sidebar=1&hide-ui=1)
Steps in the prototype
- Open menu
- Click on the settings icon on the top left.
- Click on the back
- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 

**Main Menu**
- Bookmarks
- Downloads
- Passwords
- History
- Settings
- Account
- Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
- Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.

[**Figma Link**](https://www.figma.com/design/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?node-id=18249-158017&t=E7KANn7pxp3QC4R5-4)
Animation Prototype - [Link](https://www.figma.com/proto/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?page-id=8438%3A25585&node-id=18249-158048&viewport=-1096%2C-1703%2C0.44&t=k18Ww0FdMo9i8Vnv-8&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=18249%3A158048&show-proto-sidebar=1&hide-ui=1)
Steps in the prototype
- Open menu
- Click on the settings icon on the top left.
- Click on the back
- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 

**Main Menu**
- Bookmarks
- Downloads
- Passwords
- History
- Settings
- Account
- Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
- Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.

[**Figma Link**](https://www.figma.com/design/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?node-id=18249-158017&t=E7KANn7pxp3QC4R5-4)
Animation Prototype - [Link](https://www.figma.com/proto/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?page-id=8438%3A25585&node-id=18249-158048&viewport=-1096%2C-1703%2C0.44&t=k18Ww0FdMo9i8Vnv-8&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=18249%3A158048&show-proto-sidebar=1&hide-ui=1)
Steps in the prototype
- Open menu
- Click on the settings icon on the top left.
- Click on the back
- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 

**Main Menu**
- Bookmarks
- Downloads
- Passwords
- History
- Settings
- Account

- Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
- Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.

[**Figma Link**](https://www.figma.com/design/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?node-id=18249-158017&t=E7KANn7pxp3QC4R5-4)
Animation Prototype - [Link](https://www.figma.com/proto/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?page-id=8438%3A25585&node-id=18249-158048&viewport=-1096%2C-1703%2C0.44&t=k18Ww0FdMo9i8Vnv-8&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=18249%3A158048&show-proto-sidebar=1&hide-ui=1)
Steps in the prototype
- Open menu
- Click on the settings icon on the top left.
- Click on the back
- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 

**Main Menu**
- Bookmarks
- Downloads
- Passwords
- History
- Settings
- Account

- Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
- Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.

[**Figma Link**](https://www.figma.com/design/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?node-id=18249-158017&t=E7KANn7pxp3QC4R5-4)
Animation Prototype - [Link](https://www.figma.com/proto/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?page-id=8438%3A25585&node-id=18249-158048&viewport=-1096%2C-1703%2C0.44&t=k18Ww0FdMo9i8Vnv-8&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=18249%3A158048&show-proto-sidebar=1&hide-ui=1)
Steps in the prototype
- Open menu
- Click on the settings icon on the top left.
- Click on the back
- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 

**Main Menu**
- Bookmarks
- Downloads
- Passwords
- History
- Settings
- Account

- Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
- Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.

[**Figma Link**](https://www.figma.com/design/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?node-id=18249-158017&t=E7KANn7pxp3QC4R5-4)
Animation Prototype - [Link](https://www.figma.com/proto/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?page-id=8438%3A25585&node-id=18249-158048&viewport=-1096%2C-1703%2C0.44&t=k18Ww0FdMo9i8Vnv-8&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=18249%3A158048&show-proto-sidebar=1&hide-ui=1)
- Steps in the prototype
- Open menu
- Click on the settings icon on the top left.
- Click on the back
- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 

**Main Menu**
- Bookmarks
- Downloads
- Passwords
- History
- Settings
- Account

- Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
- Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.

[**Figma Link**](https://www.figma.com/design/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?node-id=18249-158017&t=E7KANn7pxp3QC4R5-4)
[Animation Prototype](https://www.figma.com/proto/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?page-id=8438%3A25585&node-id=18249-158048&viewport=-1096%2C-1703%2C0.44&t=k18Ww0FdMo9i8Vnv-8&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=18249%3A158048&show-proto-sidebar=1&hide-ui=1)
** Steps in the prototype**
- Open menu
- Click on the settings icon on the top left.
- Click on the back
- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 

**Main Menu**
- Bookmarks
- Downloads
- Passwords
- History
- Settings
- Account

- Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
- Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.

[**Figma Link**](https://www.figma.com/design/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?node-id=18249-158017&t=E7KANn7pxp3QC4R5-4)
[**Animation Prototype**](https://www.figma.com/proto/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?page-id=8438%3A25585&node-id=18249-158048&viewport=-1096%2C-1703%2C0.44&t=k18Ww0FdMo9i8Vnv-8&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=18249%3A158048&show-proto-sidebar=1&hide-ui=1)
** Steps in the prototype**
- Open menu
- Click on the settings icon on the top left.
- Click on the back
- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 

**Main Menu**
- Bookmarks
- Downloads
- Passwords
- History
- Settings
- Account

- Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
- Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.

[**Figma Link**](https://www.figma.com/design/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?node-id=18249-158017&t=E7KANn7pxp3QC4R5-4)

[**Animation Prototype**](https://www.figma.com/proto/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?page-id=8438%3A25585&node-id=18249-158048&viewport=-1096%2C-1703%2C0.44&t=k18Ww0FdMo9i8Vnv-8&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=18249%3A158048&show-proto-sidebar=1&hide-ui=1)
** Steps in the prototype**
- Open menu
- Click on the settings icon on the top left.
- Click on the back
[**Figma Link**](https://www.figma.com/design/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?node-id=18249-158017&t=E7KANn7pxp3QC4R5-4)

- When a user wants to go to the settings page, a specific transition needs to be applied to communicate the navigational relationship of the menu with settings. This transition and navigation relationship is applicable for when the user moves from the menu/sub-menu to either of the following: 

**Main Menu**
- Bookmarks
- Downloads
- Passwords
- History
- Settings
- Account

- Manage Extensions from the extensions sub-menu.
- Clicking on an extension name from the recommended list of extensions.

[**Animation Prototype**](https://www.figma.com/proto/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/%5B%5D-Menu-Redesign?page-id=8438%3A25585&node-id=18249-158048&viewport=-1096%2C-1703%2C0.44&t=k18Ww0FdMo9i8Vnv-8&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=18249%3A158048&show-proto-sidebar=1&hide-ui=1)
** Steps in the prototype**
- Open menu
- Click on the settings icon on the top left.
- Click on the back

Back to Bug 1923385 Comment 0