**Found in** * 134.0a1 (2024-10-29) **Affected versions** * 134.0a1 (2024-10-29) **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10 * Unaffected platforms: macOS 12, Ubuntu **Preconditions** * Download the DLP test assets from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yjqVRuxdKV3WnO7D2wzMgDXBuYBxUgVw/view * Create a distribution folder inside the Firefox folder and paste the policies-2.json to it and then rename it to policies.json * run the DLP agent in CMD using: .\content_analysis_sdk_agent.exe --user --toblock=.*\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}.* --towarn=.*warn.* --delays=10 (Note: we are using the DLP agent command without the `??` symbols for the blocked content as instructed in [bug 1915352#c1]( https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1915352#c1)) **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open https://docs.google.com/document/d/13OVyqaJ2GlbNpkxAssF_mLI7vyb6o8TeDqucs6WcnDw/edit?tab=t.0. 2. Copy and paste the `Sample text` string to another gdoc or Wikipedia page. 3. Observe the behaviors. **Expected result** * Scanning is performed and the string is pasted. **Actual result** * Long scanning time * The warning dialog is displayed even if the string does not contain *warn (this happens for any string) * [intermittent] Sometimes after clicking the use content/ cancel buttons on the warning dialog the content is scanned again **Regression range** * The waiting time issue can be reproduced with 128esr as well so this is not a regression. The difference is that after clicking `Use content` after bug 1915351 is implemented there will be only one more scanning. Before bug 1915351 the scanning will happen more times, even the warning dialog will appear 2 times. I will set bug 1915351 as dependent since this fixes things a little. **Additional notes** * Attached a screen recording. * Since this does not happen with every pasted gdoc data we will not treat this issue as high impact unless we find if this may be reproduced more often. * We are using the DLP Agent command (`.\content_analysis_sdk_agent.exe --user --toblock=.\d{3}-?\d{2}-?\d{4}. --towarn=.warn. --delays=10`) with `??` symbols will also result in another 3 blocked dialogs displayed and block pasting the string. * This is not string dependent. The issue reproduces with any string that has a gray color. * This also happens when pasting to Wikipedia.
Bug 1927751 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
**Found in** * 134.0a1 (2024-10-29) **Affected versions** * 134.0a1 (2024-10-29) **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10 * Unaffected platforms: macOS 12, Ubuntu **Preconditions** * Download the DLP test assets from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yjqVRuxdKV3WnO7D2wzMgDXBuYBxUgVw/view * Create a distribution folder inside the Firefox folder and paste the policies-1.json to it and then rename it to policies.json * run the DLP agent in CMD using: .\content_analysis_sdk_agent.exe --user --toblock=.*\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}.* --towarn=.*warn.* --delays=10 (Note: we are using the DLP agent command without the `??` symbols for the blocked content as instructed in [bug 1915352#c1]( https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1915352#c1)) **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open https://docs.google.com/document/d/13OVyqaJ2GlbNpkxAssF_mLI7vyb6o8TeDqucs6WcnDw/edit?tab=t.0. 2. Copy and paste the `Sample text` string to another gdoc or Wikipedia page. 3. Observe the behaviors. **Expected result** * Scanning is performed and the string is pasted. **Actual result** * Long scanning time * The warning dialog is displayed even if the string does not contain *warn (this happens for any string) * [intermittent] Sometimes after clicking the use content/ cancel buttons on the warning dialog the content is scanned again **Regression range** * The waiting time issue can be reproduced with 128esr as well so this is not a regression. The difference is that after clicking `Use content` after bug 1915351 is implemented there will be only one more scanning. Before bug 1915351 the scanning will happen more times, even the warning dialog will appear 2 times. I will set bug 1915351 as dependent since this fixes things a little. **Additional notes** * Attached a screen recording. * Since this does not happen with every pasted gdoc data we will not treat this issue as high impact unless we find if this may be reproduced more often. * We are using the DLP Agent command (`.\content_analysis_sdk_agent.exe --user --toblock=.\d{3}-?\d{2}-?\d{4}. --towarn=.warn. --delays=10`) with `??` symbols will also result in another 3 blocked dialogs displayed and block pasting the string. * This is not string dependent. The issue reproduces with any string that has a gray color. * This also happens when pasting to Wikipedia.