>1. Is there Documentation? * This collection is documented in the Glean Dictionary at https://dictionary.telemetry.mozilla.org/ * https://hg.mozilla.org/comm-central/mail/metrics.yaml >2. Is there a control mechanism that allows the user to turn this data collection off? Yes: Standard telemetry preferences. >If the request is for permanent data collection, is there someone who will monitor the data over time? Yes, Geoff Lankow(:darktrojan). >Using the category system of data types on the Mozilla wiki, what collection type of data do the requested measurements fall under? Category 2: Interaction data. > Is the data collection request for default-on or default-off? default-on >Does the instrumentation include the addition of any new identifiers (whether anonymous or otherwise; e.g., username, random IDs, etc. See the appendix for more details)? No. >Is the data collection covered by the existing Thunderbird privacy notice? If unsure: escalate to legal if: Yes. >Does the data collection use a third-party collection tool? If yes, escalate to legal. No.
Bug 1935921 Comment 4 Edit History
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Good to go. >1. Is there Documentation? * This collection is documented in the Glean Dictionary at https://dictionary.telemetry.mozilla.org/ * https://hg.mozilla.org/comm-central/mail/metrics.yaml >2. Is there a control mechanism that allows the user to turn this data collection off? Yes: Standard telemetry preferences. >If the request is for permanent data collection, is there someone who will monitor the data over time? Yes, Geoff Lankow(:darktrojan). >Using the category system of data types on the Mozilla wiki, what collection type of data do the requested measurements fall under? Category 2: Interaction data. > Is the data collection request for default-on or default-off? default-on >Does the instrumentation include the addition of any new identifiers (whether anonymous or otherwise; e.g., username, random IDs, etc. See the appendix for more details)? No. >Is the data collection covered by the existing Thunderbird privacy notice? If unsure: escalate to legal if: Yes. >Does the data collection use a third-party collection tool? If yes, escalate to legal. No.