The `VMFunction` list in bug 1935626 shows we have 435312 calls to `IonGetPropertyIC::update` on Speedometer 3. I looked into this more and 80% of these are for a megamorphic `GetElem` property access in react-stockcharts where the property key is a boolean. Fortunately it's easy to fix our CacheIR generator to treat these as `"true"/"false"` keys. The #2 case with ~7% uses an array index of -1. This is the same issue as bug 1932864 comment 4. The upside is that apart from these edge cases we have great CacheIR coverage for property accesses nowadays.
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The `VMFunction` list in bug 1935626 shows we have 435312 calls to `IonGetPropertyIC::update` on Speedometer 3. I looked into this more and 80% of these are for a megamorphic `GetElem` property access in react-stockcharts where the property key is sometimes a boolean. Fortunately it's easy to fix our CacheIR generator to treat these as `"true"/"false"` keys. The #2 case with ~7% uses an array index of -1. This is the same issue as bug 1932864 comment 4. The upside is that apart from these edge cases we have great CacheIR coverage for property accesses nowadays.