We want to cap the length of the tab groups list so users don't have to scroll through a potentially long list of tab groups before getting to their opened tabs (see spec) https://www.figma.com/design/f6J2lH6XDxLxyzOLr2E8oE/Tab-Grouping-Spec?node-id=9461-173201&t=6II5h0zY6WLGJIhG-1 Note: We show 7 tab groups plus "Show all" button OR max of 8 tab groups. We don't want tab groups to take up more than 8 lines in the TOM menu.
Bug 1940269 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
We want to cap the length of the tab groups list so users don't have to scroll through a potentially long list of tab groups before getting to their opened tabs (see spec) https://www.figma.com/design/f6J2lH6XDxLxyzOLr2E8oE/Tab-Grouping-Spec?node-id=9461-173201&t=6II5h0zY6WLGJIhG-1 Note: We show 5 tab groups plus "Show all" button OR max of 6 tab groups. We don't want tab groups to take up more than 6 lines in the TOM menu.
We want to cap the length of the tab groups list so users don't have to scroll through a potentially long list of tab groups before getting to their opened tabs (see spec) https://www.figma.com/design/f6J2lH6XDxLxyzOLr2E8oE/Tab-Grouping-Spec?node-id=9461-173201&t=6II5h0zY6WLGJIhG-1