Bug 1944790 Comment 1 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

This is the script to extract peak usage

    import sys
    import json
    data = json.loads(open(sys.argv[-1]).read())
    def getPeakMem(process):
        max = 0
        current = 0
        pid = 0
        processName = ""
        for thread in process["threads"]:
            if thread["name"] == "GeckoMain":
                pid = thread["pid"]
                processName = thread.get("processName", "unknown")
        for counter in process["counters"]:
            if counter["name"] == "malloc":
                for sample in process["counters"][0]["samples"]["data"]:
                    current += sample[1]
                    if current > max:
                        max = current
                    f"[{pid}][{processName}] Peak memory allocation {max / (1024 * 1024)}"
    for process in data["processes"]:

example on a perf test :

➜  python3 peak.py profile.json
[51064][Parent Process] Peak memory allocation 298.32491302490234
[51065][unknown] Peak memory allocation 35.444618225097656
[51070][Utility Process] Peak memory allocation 35.41194152832031
[51067][unknown] Peak memory allocation 35.460235595703125
[51084][Web Content] Peak memory allocation 37.041725158691406
[51073][Inference] Peak memory allocation 479.8895950317383
[51083][Web Content] Peak memory allocation 37.04314422607422
[51074][Web Content] Peak memory allocation 37.16900634765625
[51072][Web Content] Peak memory allocation 39.958473205566406
[51066][WebExtensions] Peak memory allocation 52.40960693359375
[51068][Web Content] Peak memory allocation 40.31774139404297
[51071][Privileged Content] Peak memory allocation 56.09490203857422
This is the script to extract peak usage

    import sys
    import json
    data = json.loads(open(sys.argv[-1]).read())
    def getPeakMem(process):
        max = 0
        current = 0
        pid = 0
        processName = ""
        for thread in process["threads"]:
            if thread["name"] == "GeckoMain":
                pid = thread["pid"]
                processName = thread.get("processName", "unknown")
        for counter in process["counters"]:
            if counter["name"] == "malloc":
                for sample in counter["samples"]["data"]:
                    current += sample[1]
                    if current > max:
                        max = current
                    f"[{pid}][{processName}] Peak memory allocation {max / (1024 * 1024)}"
    for process in data["processes"]:

example on a perf test :

➜  python3 peak.py profile.json
[51064][Parent Process] Peak memory allocation 298.32491302490234
[51065][unknown] Peak memory allocation 35.444618225097656
[51070][Utility Process] Peak memory allocation 35.41194152832031
[51067][unknown] Peak memory allocation 35.460235595703125
[51084][Web Content] Peak memory allocation 37.041725158691406
[51073][Inference] Peak memory allocation 479.8895950317383
[51083][Web Content] Peak memory allocation 37.04314422607422
[51074][Web Content] Peak memory allocation 37.16900634765625
[51072][Web Content] Peak memory allocation 39.958473205566406
[51066][WebExtensions] Peak memory allocation 52.40960693359375
[51068][Web Content] Peak memory allocation 40.31774139404297
[51071][Privileged Content] Peak memory allocation 56.09490203857422

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