With latest Nightly: V1: https://share.firefox.dev/4jI3uUW (7s) V2: https://share.firefox.dev/4hnIrpb (1.6s) So we are now faster by 30%. Jan had some initial thought that bug 1944843 may have improved this.
Bug 1944837 Comment 3 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
With latest Nightly: V1: https://share.firefox.dev/4jI3uUW (7s) V2: https://share.firefox.dev/4hnIrpb (1.6s) So we are now faster by 30%. Jan had some initial thought that bug 1944843 may have improved this. Edit: Another profile where it takes 8.5s on the same build : https://share.firefox.dev/4jJh76a . Make what you will of these profiles.
With latest Nightly, testcase opened from b.m.o as an attachment: V1: https://share.firefox.dev/4jI3uUW (7s) V2: https://share.firefox.dev/4hnIrpb (1.6s) So we are now faster by 30%. Jan had some initial thought that bug 1944843 may have improved this. Testcase opened from local machine: https://share.firefox.dev/4jJh76a (8.5s) So somehow opening the testcase from local machine makes it 20% slower!?!?