Yeah, pdfWindow in the example can't be accessed. So onload is added to the window when it has the initial about:blank, and load event is fired on the new inner window. How can this work on other browsers, what is when it fires? Looks like Chrome exposes the "pdf" document to the caller, and that document has <embed> which has then the pdf. Hmm, and various Chrome internal stuff is exposed to the web there. internalid="<some magic number>" and such.
Bug 1945551 Comment 4 Edit History
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Yeah, pdfWindow in the example can't be accessed. So onload is added to the window when it has the initial about:blank, and load event is fired on the new inner window. How can this work on other browsers, what is when it fires? Looks like Chrome exposes the "pdf" document to the caller, and that document has <embed> which has then the pdf. Hmm, and various Chrome internal stuff is exposed to the web there. internalid="<some magic number>" and such. webkit (Gnome Web at least), seems to use an iframe there, not embed.