**Found in Version:** - 137.0a1 **Affected Versions:** - 137.0a1 **Tested Platforms:** - **Affected:** Windows, Ubuntu, Mac - **Unaffected:** None **Preconditions:** - Make sure to have pdfjs.enableSignatureEditor is set to true **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Open a PDF file. 2. Click on the Signature icon in the toolbar to open the signature doorhanger. 3. Use the Tab key to navigate through the buttons in the signature modal. 4. Observe the focus of the "Add New Signature" button. **Expected Result:** - The "Add New Signature" button should be focusable using the keyboard, similar to the other buttons in the signature doorhanger or modal and as per [Figma specs](https://www.figma.com/design/Ri2EZhwzFOxPqebpuS3bYc/PDF.js%3A-Signatures?node-id=1237-22660&p=f&t=cFY5SFX0WmLmYUTf-0). **Actual Result:** - The "Add New Signature" button does not receive the blue focus when navigating using the keyboard. **Regression Range:** - Not a regression, as the feature was recently implemented. **Attachments:** - Screencast showing the issue
Bug 1949357 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
**Found in Version:** - 137.0a1 **Affected Versions:** - 137.0a1 **Tested Platforms:** - **Affected:** Windows, Ubuntu, Mac - **Unaffected:** None **Preconditions:** - Make sure to have pdfjs.enableSignatureEditor set to true **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Open a PDF file. 2. Click on the Signature icon in the toolbar to open the signature doorhanger. 3. Use the Tab key to navigate through the buttons in the signature modal. 4. Observe the focus of the "Add New Signature" button. **Expected Result:** - The "Add New Signature" button should be focusable using the keyboard, similar to the other buttons in the signature doorhanger or modal and as per [Figma specs](https://www.figma.com/design/Ri2EZhwzFOxPqebpuS3bYc/PDF.js%3A-Signatures?node-id=1237-22660&p=f&t=cFY5SFX0WmLmYUTf-0). **Actual Result:** - The "Add New Signature" button does not receive the blue focus when navigating using the keyboard. **Regression Range:** - Not a regression, as the feature was recently implemented. **Attachments:** - Screencast showing the issue
**Found in Version:** - 137.0a1 **Affected Versions:** - 137.0a1 **Tested Platforms:** - **Affected:** Windows, Ubuntu, Mac - **Unaffected:** None **Preconditions:** - Make sure to have pdfjs.enableSignatureEditor set to true **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Open a PDF file. 2. Click on the Signature icon in the toolbar to open the signature doorhanger. 3. Use the Tab key to navigate through the buttons in the signature modal. 4. Observe the focus of the "Add new signature" button. **Expected Result:** - The "Add new signature" button should be focusable using the keyboard, similar to the other buttons in the signature doorhanger or modal and as per [Figma specs](https://www.figma.com/design/Ri2EZhwzFOxPqebpuS3bYc/PDF.js%3A-Signatures?node-id=1237-22660&p=f&t=cFY5SFX0WmLmYUTf-0). **Actual Result:** - The "Add new signature" button does not receive the blue focus when navigating using the keyboard. **Regression Range:** - Not a regression, as the feature was recently implemented. **Attachments:** - Screencast showing the issue