Hey Raul - as warned, I have some Addon QA work for you! Using the 136.0 release builds (download links in case the update is not live yet: [Windows](https://firefox-ci-tc.services.mozilla.com/api/queue/v1/task/SWm2ZAFIQrqlT-0XWlkAmg/runs/0/artifacts/public%2Fbuild%2Ftarget.zip), [macOS](https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/136.0/mac/en-US/Firefox%20136.0.dmg), [Linux](https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/136.0/linux-x86_64/en-US/firefox-136.0.tar.xz)) 1. In a fresh profile, confirm that on `about:support`, in the `Firefox Features` section, it shows `Web Compatibility Interventions` with the current version, `136.7.0`. 2. Go to https://f1tv.formula1.com and verify that you see the "unsupported browser" banner. 3. Open `about:config`, edit `extensions.systemAddon.update.url`, and set it to `https://aus5.mozilla.org/update/3/SystemAddons/%VERSION%/%BUILD_ID%/%BUILD_TARGET%/%LOCALE%/release-sysaddon/%OS_VERSION%/%DISTRIBUTION%/%DISTRIBUTION_VERSION%/update.xml` 4. Open the Firefox DevTools. In the DevTools, open the Settings via the Three-Dot-Menu -> Settings. In there, enable the checkbox `Enable browser chrome and add-on debugging toolboxes`. 5. Open the Firefox Browser Console: - on Linux and Windows, press Ctrl+Shift+J to open it - on macOS, it's Cmd+Shift+J 6. In that new console, run `ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.sys.mjs", { global: "shared" }).AddonManagerPrivate.backgroundUpdateCheck();` 7. You won't see any progress, the update happens in the background. Wait 30 seconds, just to make sure Firefox has enough time to download and apply all updates. 8. Head back to `about:support`, and confirm that the Interventions version number now shows `137.5.20250303.181531` 9. Check that `about:compat` loads and shows a list of active interventions. 10. Verify that the "unsupported browser" banner on https://f1tv.formula1.com is no longer there. 11. Restart Firefox, keeping the same profile. Verify that the version number in `about:support` is still `137.5.20250303.181531`, and that the TikTok captcha still works. If everything works as expected on Windows, macOS, and Linux, please leave a comment here saying as much. Thank you so much!
Bug 1951479 Comment 5 Edit History
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Hey Raul - as warned, I have some Addon QA work for you! Using the 136.0 release builds (download links in case the update is not live yet: [Windows](https://firefox-ci-tc.services.mozilla.com/api/queue/v1/task/SWm2ZAFIQrqlT-0XWlkAmg/runs/0/artifacts/public%2Fbuild%2Ftarget.zip), [macOS](https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/136.0/mac/en-US/Firefox%20136.0.dmg), [Linux](https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/136.0/linux-x86_64/en-US/firefox-136.0.tar.xz)) 1. In a fresh profile, confirm that on `about:support`, in the `Firefox Features` section, it shows `Web Compatibility Interventions` with the current version, `136.7.0`. 2. Go to https://f1tv.formula1.com and verify that you see the "unsupported browser" banner. 3. Open `about:config`, edit `extensions.systemAddon.update.url`, and set it to `https://aus5.mozilla.org/update/3/SystemAddons/%VERSION%/%BUILD_ID%/%BUILD_TARGET%/%LOCALE%/release-sysaddon/%OS_VERSION%/%DISTRIBUTION%/%DISTRIBUTION_VERSION%/update.xml` 4. Open the Firefox DevTools. In the DevTools, open the Settings via the Three-Dot-Menu -> Settings. In there, enable the checkbox `Enable browser chrome and add-on debugging toolboxes`. 5. Open the Firefox Browser Console: - on Linux and Windows, press Ctrl+Shift+J to open it - on macOS, it's Cmd+Shift+J 6. In that new console, run `ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.sys.mjs", { global: "shared" }).AddonManagerPrivate.backgroundUpdateCheck();` 7. You won't see any progress, the update happens in the background. Wait 30 seconds, just to make sure Firefox has enough time to download and apply all updates. 8. Head back to `about:support`, and confirm that the Interventions version number now shows `137.5.20250303.181531` 9. Check that `about:compat` loads and shows a list of active interventions. 10. Verify that the "unsupported browser" banner on https://f1tv.formula1.com is no longer there. 11. Restart Firefox, keeping the same profile. Verify that the version number in `about:support` is still `137.5.20250303.181531`, and that the unsupported banner on f1tv is still gone. If everything works as expected on Windows, macOS, and Linux, please leave a comment here saying as much. Thank you so much!