Yes, editor requires to put NBSPs if there are multiple white-spaces are adjacent because adjacent ASCII white-spaces are collapsed to an ASCII white-space at rendering time due to basic of HTML/SGML/XML spec unless parent element is explicitly styled as "preformatted" (Currently, I'm rewritting the normalizer to take similar behavior as Chrome). So, I think that only when an NBSP is not surrounded by another NBSP nor ASCII white-spaces, can say the NBSP is truly an NBSP. Unfortunately, as far as I've tested, you cannot insert multiple NBSPs in a place in `contenteditiable` because web browsers cannot remeber which white-spaces were NBSPs. If browsers want to do that, browsers need to store x2 footprint unfortunately.
Bug 359303 Comment 89 Edit History
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Yes, editor requires to put NBSPs if there are multiple white-spaces are adjacent because adjacent ASCII white-spaces are collapsed to an ASCII white-space at rendering time due to basic of HTML/SGML/XML spec unless parent element is explicitly styled as "preformatted" (Currently, I'm rewritting the normalizer to take similar behavior as Chrome). So, I think that only when an NBSP is not surrounded by another NBSP nor ASCII white-spaces, can say the NBSP is truly an NBSP. Unfortunately, as far as I've tested, you cannot insert multiple NBSPs in a place in `contenteditiable` because web browsers cannot remeber which white-spaces were NBSPs. If browsers want to do that, browsers need to store x2 footprint per text node unfortunately.