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Bug 546027 Comment 0 Edit History
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Our POP3 and SMTP implementations run on the UI thread. They make their network calls via async necko calls, so they don't block the UI on network. With (at least) one exception: Kerberos ticket gathering is a network operation and happens in the gssapi OS lib, and we call that in GetNextToken(), and we block on that. In other words, while we try to acquire a Kerberos ticket from the KDC which is valid the POP3 or SMTP server, we freeze the UI on that network request. Apparently, nobody noticed, because it was fast enough, but the problem is there (as far as I can see from the code). This problem is aggrevated by bug 524698, which waits for a OS password dialog, during which Thunderbird UI freezes. IMAP does not have this problem, because it's running in a thread.