(In reply to Mark Baysinger from comment #90) > the priority of this bug is still P3, which according to the wiki means: "This isn't a bad idea, and maybe we'll want to implement it at some point in the future, but it's not near-term roadmap material. Some core Bugzilla developer may work on it." Actually, the [wiki page you're referring to](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Bugzilla:Priority_System) isn't applicable here. It's not very clear, but it's actually describing priorities for bugs/problems **with the bugzilla product itself**. (note "Some...Bugzilla developer", i.e. someone who works on Bugzilla-as-a-product.) The P1-P5 semantics **for bugs in Firefox** is semi-defined in a table here: https://mozilla.github.io/bug-handling/triage-bugzilla Basically P1 and P2 are reserved for extremely-severe bugs that must be fixed within 1-2 releases (e.g. showstopper bugs), whereas P3 is a wide category for bugs that we also want to fix but not necessarily in the immediate next release. Most bug fixes that land are for P3 bugs. Anyhow, this is all off-topic, and this bug now has comments restricted so that it can hopefully still remain useful for implementation discussion (without having to wade through a backlog of 100+ comments) once someone starts working on it.
Bug 781982 Comment 92 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
(In reply to Mark Baysinger from comment #90) > the priority of this bug is still P3, which according to the wiki means: "This isn't a bad idea, and maybe we'll want to implement it at some point in the future, but it's not near-term roadmap material. Some core Bugzilla developer may work on it." Actually, the [wiki page you're referring to](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Bugzilla:Priority_System) isn't applicable here. It's not very clear, but it's actually describing priorities for bugs/problems **with the bugzilla product itself**. (note "Some...Bugzilla developer", i.e. someone who works on Bugzilla-as-a-product.) The P1-P5 semantics **for bugs in Firefox** are semi-defined in a table here: https://mozilla.github.io/bug-handling/triage-bugzilla Basically P1 and P2 are reserved for extremely-severe bugs that must be fixed within 1-2 releases (e.g. showstopper bugs), whereas P3 is a wide category for bugs that we also want to fix but not necessarily in the immediate next release. Most bug fixes that land are for P3 bugs. Anyhow, this is all off-topic, and this bug now has comments restricted so that it can hopefully still remain useful for implementation discussion (without having to wade through a backlog of 100+ comments) once someone starts working on it.