Signature changed In early November from RtlEnterCriticalSection | PR_Lock | PR_EnterMonitor | nsImapProtocol::GetPseudoInterrupted for version 68.x crashes to RtlEnterCriticalSection | PR_EnterMonitor | nsImapProtocol::GetPseudoInterrupted [1] for version 78.x crashes But at a much lower rate, 30/day compared to 180/day. So something got better in the imap world. [1]
Bug 847356 Comment 7 Edit History
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Signature changed In early November from RtlEnterCriticalSection | PR_Lock | PR_EnterMonitor | nsImapProtocol::GetPseudoInterrupted for version 68.x to RtlEnterCriticalSection | PR_EnterMonitor | nsImapProtocol::GetPseudoInterrupted [1] for version 78.x But at a much lower rate in version 78, 30/day compared to 180/day. So something got better in the imap world. [1]