Actually, there _might_ be ways to do this without a complete rewrite. So here's a specific question: if the print() call were implemented internally in terms of an async postMessage() to the pdf document that then triggers exactly the same codepath as printing the "print" button in the iframe/window showing the PDF, would that address the use cases people have for this? (It still wouldn't work for users who disable the built-in PDF viewer, of course...)
Bug 911444 Comment 66 Edit History
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Actually, there _might_ be ways to do this without a complete rewrite. So here's a specific question: if the print() call were implemented internally in terms of an async postMessage() to the pdf document that then triggers exactly the same codepath as clicking the "print" button in the iframe/window showing the PDF, would that address the use cases people have for this? (It still wouldn't work for users who disable the built-in PDF viewer, of course...)