(In reply to jim from comment #9) > Still running into this with v78, on MacOS (Yosemite), Windows (7), and Linux Mint (18). And now with Thunderbird v81.0b4 (32-bit), on Win7. Are you still seeing the error described in the opening comment 0: "Server %S has disconnected. The server may have gone down or there may be a network problem." ? > How it reproduces on my machine (for addition context & reproduction): > a) It appears to be causing messages to get duplicated, when attempting to move them between folders Are these move within the same account for between accounts? What goes on is a lot different depending on which. If you a copy/move fails and you try again you will usually get dupes. > b) It sometimes appears to not move messages at all, when attempting to move them between folders Same for copies? Also, how many messages are you trying to copy/move at one time? Are you copy/moving the whole folder or just some messages in the folder. > c) It causes a very annoying UX issue (and possibly serious a11y issue) in that it is hard to grab and drag the splitter line that divides the message list pane from the (selected message's) header area. This appears to mostly be due to the fact that when the "Server ... has disconnected ... " message appears, the application, as a whole, appears to continually attempting to get/download messages. When it is doing that, I see (on the Win 7 client): a continuously animated icon on the "Inbox" tab; and the mouse pointer changes to the 'with hourglass/active state', when it is over everything but the actual text of the selected message. The mouse pointer state makes it hard to discern the pointer's hot spot, which makes it hard for a user (even with 'typical' vision and fine motor control) to grab the splitter bar! Not sure what you mean by animated icon on the Inbox tab. When there are network problems the UI spinner/hourglass tends to remain active. But don't think I have observed a problem adjusting pane sizes when this happens. If you can provide a new IMAP:5 log that records up to the point where problems arise it might help. Not sure if the ones previously recorded above are relevant to your issue. See https://wiki.mozilla.org/MailNews:Logging. Thanks. P/S: Need to know if you are storing imap messages locally or only at the imap server.
Bug 923387 Comment 10 Edit History
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(In reply to jim from comment #9) > Still running into this with v78, on MacOS (Yosemite), Windows (7), and Linux Mint (18). And now with Thunderbird v81.0b4 (32-bit), on Win7. Are you still seeing the error described in the opening comment 0: "Server %S has disconnected. The server may have gone down or there may be a network problem." ? > How it reproduces on my machine (for addition context & reproduction): > a) It appears to be causing messages to get duplicated, when attempting to move them between folders Are these move within the same account for between accounts? What goes on is a lot different depending on which. If your copy/move fails and you try again you will usually get dupes. > b) It sometimes appears to not move messages at all, when attempting to move them between folders Same for copies? Also, how many messages are you trying to copy/move at one time? Are you copy/moving the whole folder or just some messages in the folder. > c) It causes a very annoying UX issue (and possibly serious a11y issue) in that it is hard to grab and drag the splitter line that divides the message list pane from the (selected message's) header area. This appears to mostly be due to the fact that when the "Server ... has disconnected ... " message appears, the application, as a whole, appears to continually attempting to get/download messages. When it is doing that, I see (on the Win 7 client): a continuously animated icon on the "Inbox" tab; and the mouse pointer changes to the 'with hourglass/active state', when it is over everything but the actual text of the selected message. The mouse pointer state makes it hard to discern the pointer's hot spot, which makes it hard for a user (even with 'typical' vision and fine motor control) to grab the splitter bar! Not sure what you mean by animated icon on the Inbox tab. When there are network problems the UI spinner/hourglass tends to remain active. But don't think I have observed a problem adjusting pane sizes when this happens. If you can provide a new IMAP:5 log that records up to the point where problems arise it might help. Not sure if the ones previously recorded above are relevant to your issue. See https://wiki.mozilla.org/MailNews:Logging. Thanks. P/S: Need to know if you are storing imap messages locally or only at the imap server.