Bug 1486042 Comment 63 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

Yes, there is a call to `drop_slow`:

(lldb) disas -a 0x0000000005b70fd3
XUL[0x5b70f20] <+0>:   pushq  %rbp
XUL[0x5b70f21] <+1>:   movq   %rsp, %rbp
XUL[0x5b70f24] <+4>:   pushq  %r15
XUL[0x5b70f26] <+6>:   pushq  %r14
XUL[0x5b70f28] <+8>:   pushq  %rbx
XUL[0x5b70f29] <+9>:   subq   $0x58, %rsp
XUL[0x5b70f2d] <+13>:  movq   %rsi, %r14
XUL[0x5b70f30] <+16>:  movq   %rdi, %rbx
XUL[0x5b70f33] <+19>:  leaq   0x1b6eb9e(%rip), %rax     ; _$LT$style..global_style_data..GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA$u20$as$u20$core..ops..deref..Deref$GT$::deref::__stability::LAZY::hd2043aa93a146e3c (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b70f3a] <+26>:  movq   %rax, -0x28(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b70f3e] <+30>:  movq   0x1b6ebab(%rip), %rax     ; _$LT$style..global_style_data..GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA$u20$as$u20$core..ops..deref..Deref$GT$::deref::__stability::LAZY::hd2043aa93a146e3c (.llvm.15187239529951727520) + 24
XUL[0x5b70f45] <+37>:  cmpq   $0x3, %rax
XUL[0x5b70f49] <+41>:  jne    0x5b70fe9                 ; <+201>
XUL[0x5b70f4f] <+47>:  movq   -0x28(%rbp), %rax
XUL[0x5b70f53] <+51>:  cmpb   $0x2, 0x10(%rax)
XUL[0x5b70f57] <+55>:  je     0x5b7101e                 ; <+254>
XUL[0x5b70f5d] <+61>:  movq   (%rax), %r15
XUL[0x5b70f60] <+64>:  testq  %r15, %r15
XUL[0x5b70f63] <+67>:  je     0x5b7103b                 ; <+283>
XUL[0x5b70f69] <+73>:  movabsq $-0x8000000000000000, %rcx ; imm = 0x8000000000000000 
XUL[0x5b70f73] <+83>:  xorl   %eax, %eax
XUL[0x5b70f75] <+85>:  lock   
XUL[0x5b70f76] <+86>:  cmpxchgq %rcx, 0x8(%r15)
XUL[0x5b70f7b] <+91>:  jne    0x5b71047                 ; <+295>
XUL[0x5b70f81] <+97>:  movq   (%rbx), %rax
XUL[0x5b70f84] <+100>: testq  %rax, %rax
XUL[0x5b70f87] <+103>: je     0x5b71023                 ; <+259>
XUL[0x5b70f8d] <+109>: cmpq   %rax, %r15
XUL[0x5b70f90] <+112>: jne    0x5b71023                 ; <+259>
XUL[0x5b70f96] <+118>: movq   -0x8(%r14), %rax
XUL[0x5b70f9a] <+122>: addq   $-0x8, %r14
XUL[0x5b70f9e] <+126>: cmpq   $-0x1, %rax
XUL[0x5b70fa2] <+130>: je     0x5b70fae                 ; <+142>
XUL[0x5b70fa4] <+132>: lock   
XUL[0x5b70fa5] <+133>: incq   (%r14)
XUL[0x5b70fa8] <+136>: jle    0x5b710bc                 ; <+412>
XUL[0x5b70fae] <+142>: movq   0x28(%rbx), %rax
XUL[0x5b70fb2] <+146>: addq   $0x28, %rbx
XUL[0x5b70fb6] <+150>: movq   (%rax), %rcx
XUL[0x5b70fb9] <+153>: cmpq   $-0x1, %rcx
XUL[0x5b70fbd] <+157>: je     0x5b70fd3                 ; <+179>
XUL[0x5b70fbf] <+159>: lock   
XUL[0x5b70fc0] <+160>: decq   (%rax)
XUL[0x5b70fc3] <+163>: jne    0x5b70fd3                 ; <+179>
XUL[0x5b70fc5] <+165>: movq   (%rbx), %rax
XUL[0x5b70fc8] <+168>: movq   (%rax), %rax
XUL[0x5b70fcb] <+171>: movq   %rbx, %rdi
XUL[0x5b70fce] <+174>: callq  0x5af1210                 ; servo_arc::Arc$LT$T$GT$::drop_slow::h5bfb4b1675d356ee
XUL[0x5b70fd3] <+179>: movq   %r14, (%rbx)
XUL[0x5b70fd6] <+182>: movq   $0x0, 0x8(%r15)
XUL[0x5b70fde] <+190>: addq   $0x58, %rsp
XUL[0x5b70fe2] <+194>: popq   %rbx
XUL[0x5b70fe3] <+195>: popq   %r14
XUL[0x5b70fe5] <+197>: popq   %r15
XUL[0x5b70fe7] <+199>: popq   %rbp
XUL[0x5b70fe8] <+200>: retq   
XUL[0x5b70fe9] <+201>: leaq   -0x28(%rbp), %rax
XUL[0x5b70fed] <+205>: movq   %rax, -0x38(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b70ff1] <+209>: leaq   -0x38(%rbp), %rax
XUL[0x5b70ff5] <+213>: movq   %rax, -0x68(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b70ff9] <+217>: leaq   0x1b6eaf0(%rip), %rdi     ; _$LT$style..global_style_data..GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA$u20$as$u20$core..ops..deref..Deref$GT$::deref::__stability::LAZY::hd2043aa93a146e3c (.llvm.15187239529951727520) + 24
XUL[0x5b71000] <+224>: leaq   0x1b1bd71(%rip), %rdx     ; anon.20480550abd40f7c5a6ab6f2e04b754b.85.llvm.15187239529951727520
XUL[0x5b71007] <+231>: leaq   -0x68(%rbp), %rsi
XUL[0x5b7100b] <+235>: callq  0x5f24d50                 ; std::sync::once::Once::call_inner::h3f5b185bfe61a1f0 (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b71010] <+240>: movq   -0x28(%rbp), %rax
XUL[0x5b71014] <+244>: cmpb   $0x2, 0x10(%rax)
XUL[0x5b71018] <+248>: jne    0x5b70f5d                 ; <+61>
XUL[0x5b7101e] <+254>: callq  0x5edf530                 ; lazy_static::lazy::unreachable_unchecked::h77f590b606dfa998 (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b71023] <+259>: leaq   0x80d97e(%rip), %rdi      ; str.C.4618 + 104
XUL[0x5b7102a] <+266>: leaq   0x1b1b447(%rip), %rdx     ; anon.20480550abd40f7c5a6ab6f2e04b754b.29.llvm.15187239529951727520 + 19440
XUL[0x5b71031] <+273>: movl   $0x51, %esi
XUL[0x5b71036] <+278>: callq  0x5ad5920                 ; std::panicking::begin_panic::h753c026e2313fa3b (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b7103b] <+283>: leaq   0x1b268d6(%rip), %rdi     ; anon.0f09dff20376d92cc45253bc08e814bf.166.llvm.15187239529951727520
XUL[0x5b71042] <+290>: callq  0x5f2bf80                 ; core::panicking::panic::haf72db49750c28ab (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b71047] <+295>: xorl   %ecx, %ecx
XUL[0x5b71049] <+297>: testq  %rax, %rax
XUL[0x5b7104c] <+300>: setns  %cl
XUL[0x5b7104f] <+303>: leaq   0x80c631(%rip), %rax      ; anon.20480550abd40f7c5a6ab6f2e04b754b.26.llvm.15187239529951727520
XUL[0x5b71056] <+310>: leaq   0x80c633(%rip), %rdx      ; anon.20480550abd40f7c5a6ab6f2e04b754b.27.llvm.15187239529951727520
XUL[0x5b7105d] <+317>: cmovnsq %rax, %rdx
XUL[0x5b71061] <+321>: leaq   0x7(%rcx,%rcx), %rax
XUL[0x5b71066] <+326>: movq   %rdx, -0x38(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b7106a] <+330>: movq   %rax, -0x30(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b7106e] <+334>: leaq   -0x38(%rbp), %rax
XUL[0x5b71072] <+338>: movq   %rax, -0x28(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b71076] <+342>: leaq   -0x3b970d(%rip), %rax     ; _$LT$$RF$T$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Display$GT$::fmt::h0031dc61ce6c65fd (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b7107d] <+349>: movq   %rax, -0x20(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b71081] <+353>: leaq   0x1b167e0(%rip), %rax     ; anon.20480550abd40f7c5a6ab6f2e04b754b.25.llvm.15187239529951727520
XUL[0x5b71088] <+360>: movq   %rax, -0x68(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b7108c] <+364>: movq   $0x2, -0x60(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b71094] <+372>: movq   $0x0, -0x58(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b7109c] <+380>: leaq   -0x28(%rbp), %rax
XUL[0x5b710a0] <+384>: movq   %rax, -0x48(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b710a4] <+388>: movq   $0x1, -0x40(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b710ac] <+396>: leaq   0x1b167d5(%rip), %rsi     ; anon.20480550abd40f7c5a6ab6f2e04b754b.29.llvm.15187239529951727520
XUL[0x5b710b3] <+403>: leaq   -0x68(%rbp), %rdi
XUL[0x5b710b7] <+407>: callq  0x5f168c0                 ; std::panicking::begin_panic_fmt::h50d17c3950ddfe2a (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b710bc] <+412>: callq  0x5f251d0                 ; std::process::abort::h1bde3ba12adc17b8 (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b710c1] <+417>: nopw   %cs:(%rax,%rax)
XUL[0x5b710cb] <+427>: nopl   (%rax,%rax)

Note that the right function in that stack is `Servo_SupportsRule_GetRules`, but that function is pretty similar to `Servo_StyleRule_GetStyle`, so I suspect the linker has unified them. However, those functions should not drop any arc.

Looking around, it seems that the linker has also unified `Servo_StyleRule_SetRule` (which _does_ drop the `Arc<>`) too, since that symbol is at the same address. So I suspect that the LTO stuff has messed up, and has unified `Servo_SupportsRule_GetRules`, `Servo_StyleRule_GetStyle`, and `Servo_StyleRule_SetRule`. I think that explains those crashes. But I'm not sure I can debug further to figure out _why_ thinlto has unified those. Any idea?
Yes, there is a call to `drop_slow`:

(lldb) disas -a 0x0000000005b70fd3
XUL[0x5b70f20] <+0>:   pushq  %rbp
XUL[0x5b70f21] <+1>:   movq   %rsp, %rbp
XUL[0x5b70f24] <+4>:   pushq  %r15
XUL[0x5b70f26] <+6>:   pushq  %r14
XUL[0x5b70f28] <+8>:   pushq  %rbx
XUL[0x5b70f29] <+9>:   subq   $0x58, %rsp
XUL[0x5b70f2d] <+13>:  movq   %rsi, %r14
XUL[0x5b70f30] <+16>:  movq   %rdi, %rbx
XUL[0x5b70f33] <+19>:  leaq   0x1b6eb9e(%rip), %rax     ; _$LT$style..global_style_data..GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA$u20$as$u20$core..ops..deref..Deref$GT$::deref::__stability::LAZY::hd2043aa93a146e3c (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b70f3a] <+26>:  movq   %rax, -0x28(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b70f3e] <+30>:  movq   0x1b6ebab(%rip), %rax     ; _$LT$style..global_style_data..GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA$u20$as$u20$core..ops..deref..Deref$GT$::deref::__stability::LAZY::hd2043aa93a146e3c (.llvm.15187239529951727520) + 24
XUL[0x5b70f45] <+37>:  cmpq   $0x3, %rax
XUL[0x5b70f49] <+41>:  jne    0x5b70fe9                 ; <+201>
XUL[0x5b70f4f] <+47>:  movq   -0x28(%rbp), %rax
XUL[0x5b70f53] <+51>:  cmpb   $0x2, 0x10(%rax)
XUL[0x5b70f57] <+55>:  je     0x5b7101e                 ; <+254>
XUL[0x5b70f5d] <+61>:  movq   (%rax), %r15
XUL[0x5b70f60] <+64>:  testq  %r15, %r15
XUL[0x5b70f63] <+67>:  je     0x5b7103b                 ; <+283>
XUL[0x5b70f69] <+73>:  movabsq $-0x8000000000000000, %rcx ; imm = 0x8000000000000000 
XUL[0x5b70f73] <+83>:  xorl   %eax, %eax
XUL[0x5b70f75] <+85>:  lock   
XUL[0x5b70f76] <+86>:  cmpxchgq %rcx, 0x8(%r15)
XUL[0x5b70f7b] <+91>:  jne    0x5b71047                 ; <+295>
XUL[0x5b70f81] <+97>:  movq   (%rbx), %rax
XUL[0x5b70f84] <+100>: testq  %rax, %rax
XUL[0x5b70f87] <+103>: je     0x5b71023                 ; <+259>
XUL[0x5b70f8d] <+109>: cmpq   %rax, %r15
XUL[0x5b70f90] <+112>: jne    0x5b71023                 ; <+259>
XUL[0x5b70f96] <+118>: movq   -0x8(%r14), %rax
XUL[0x5b70f9a] <+122>: addq   $-0x8, %r14
XUL[0x5b70f9e] <+126>: cmpq   $-0x1, %rax
XUL[0x5b70fa2] <+130>: je     0x5b70fae                 ; <+142>
XUL[0x5b70fa4] <+132>: lock   
XUL[0x5b70fa5] <+133>: incq   (%r14)
XUL[0x5b70fa8] <+136>: jle    0x5b710bc                 ; <+412>
XUL[0x5b70fae] <+142>: movq   0x28(%rbx), %rax
XUL[0x5b70fb2] <+146>: addq   $0x28, %rbx
XUL[0x5b70fb6] <+150>: movq   (%rax), %rcx
XUL[0x5b70fb9] <+153>: cmpq   $-0x1, %rcx
XUL[0x5b70fbd] <+157>: je     0x5b70fd3                 ; <+179>
XUL[0x5b70fbf] <+159>: lock   
XUL[0x5b70fc0] <+160>: decq   (%rax)
XUL[0x5b70fc3] <+163>: jne    0x5b70fd3                 ; <+179>
XUL[0x5b70fc5] <+165>: movq   (%rbx), %rax
XUL[0x5b70fc8] <+168>: movq   (%rax), %rax
XUL[0x5b70fcb] <+171>: movq   %rbx, %rdi
XUL[0x5b70fce] <+174>: callq  0x5af1210                 ; servo_arc::Arc$LT$T$GT$::drop_slow::h5bfb4b1675d356ee
XUL[0x5b70fd3] <+179>: movq   %r14, (%rbx)
XUL[0x5b70fd6] <+182>: movq   $0x0, 0x8(%r15)
XUL[0x5b70fde] <+190>: addq   $0x58, %rsp
XUL[0x5b70fe2] <+194>: popq   %rbx
XUL[0x5b70fe3] <+195>: popq   %r14
XUL[0x5b70fe5] <+197>: popq   %r15
XUL[0x5b70fe7] <+199>: popq   %rbp
XUL[0x5b70fe8] <+200>: retq   
XUL[0x5b70fe9] <+201>: leaq   -0x28(%rbp), %rax
XUL[0x5b70fed] <+205>: movq   %rax, -0x38(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b70ff1] <+209>: leaq   -0x38(%rbp), %rax
XUL[0x5b70ff5] <+213>: movq   %rax, -0x68(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b70ff9] <+217>: leaq   0x1b6eaf0(%rip), %rdi     ; _$LT$style..global_style_data..GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA$u20$as$u20$core..ops..deref..Deref$GT$::deref::__stability::LAZY::hd2043aa93a146e3c (.llvm.15187239529951727520) + 24
XUL[0x5b71000] <+224>: leaq   0x1b1bd71(%rip), %rdx     ; anon.20480550abd40f7c5a6ab6f2e04b754b.85.llvm.15187239529951727520
XUL[0x5b71007] <+231>: leaq   -0x68(%rbp), %rsi
XUL[0x5b7100b] <+235>: callq  0x5f24d50                 ; std::sync::once::Once::call_inner::h3f5b185bfe61a1f0 (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b71010] <+240>: movq   -0x28(%rbp), %rax
XUL[0x5b71014] <+244>: cmpb   $0x2, 0x10(%rax)
XUL[0x5b71018] <+248>: jne    0x5b70f5d                 ; <+61>
XUL[0x5b7101e] <+254>: callq  0x5edf530                 ; lazy_static::lazy::unreachable_unchecked::h77f590b606dfa998 (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b71023] <+259>: leaq   0x80d97e(%rip), %rdi      ; str.C.4618 + 104
XUL[0x5b7102a] <+266>: leaq   0x1b1b447(%rip), %rdx     ; anon.20480550abd40f7c5a6ab6f2e04b754b.29.llvm.15187239529951727520 + 19440
XUL[0x5b71031] <+273>: movl   $0x51, %esi
XUL[0x5b71036] <+278>: callq  0x5ad5920                 ; std::panicking::begin_panic::h753c026e2313fa3b (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b7103b] <+283>: leaq   0x1b268d6(%rip), %rdi     ; anon.0f09dff20376d92cc45253bc08e814bf.166.llvm.15187239529951727520
XUL[0x5b71042] <+290>: callq  0x5f2bf80                 ; core::panicking::panic::haf72db49750c28ab (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b71047] <+295>: xorl   %ecx, %ecx
XUL[0x5b71049] <+297>: testq  %rax, %rax
XUL[0x5b7104c] <+300>: setns  %cl
XUL[0x5b7104f] <+303>: leaq   0x80c631(%rip), %rax      ; anon.20480550abd40f7c5a6ab6f2e04b754b.26.llvm.15187239529951727520
XUL[0x5b71056] <+310>: leaq   0x80c633(%rip), %rdx      ; anon.20480550abd40f7c5a6ab6f2e04b754b.27.llvm.15187239529951727520
XUL[0x5b7105d] <+317>: cmovnsq %rax, %rdx
XUL[0x5b71061] <+321>: leaq   0x7(%rcx,%rcx), %rax
XUL[0x5b71066] <+326>: movq   %rdx, -0x38(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b7106a] <+330>: movq   %rax, -0x30(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b7106e] <+334>: leaq   -0x38(%rbp), %rax
XUL[0x5b71072] <+338>: movq   %rax, -0x28(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b71076] <+342>: leaq   -0x3b970d(%rip), %rax     ; _$LT$$RF$T$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Display$GT$::fmt::h0031dc61ce6c65fd (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b7107d] <+349>: movq   %rax, -0x20(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b71081] <+353>: leaq   0x1b167e0(%rip), %rax     ; anon.20480550abd40f7c5a6ab6f2e04b754b.25.llvm.15187239529951727520
XUL[0x5b71088] <+360>: movq   %rax, -0x68(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b7108c] <+364>: movq   $0x2, -0x60(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b71094] <+372>: movq   $0x0, -0x58(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b7109c] <+380>: leaq   -0x28(%rbp), %rax
XUL[0x5b710a0] <+384>: movq   %rax, -0x48(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b710a4] <+388>: movq   $0x1, -0x40(%rbp)
XUL[0x5b710ac] <+396>: leaq   0x1b167d5(%rip), %rsi     ; anon.20480550abd40f7c5a6ab6f2e04b754b.29.llvm.15187239529951727520
XUL[0x5b710b3] <+403>: leaq   -0x68(%rbp), %rdi
XUL[0x5b710b7] <+407>: callq  0x5f168c0                 ; std::panicking::begin_panic_fmt::h50d17c3950ddfe2a (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b710bc] <+412>: callq  0x5f251d0                 ; std::process::abort::h1bde3ba12adc17b8 (.llvm.15187239529951727520)
XUL[0x5b710c1] <+417>: nopw   %cs:(%rax,%rax)
XUL[0x5b710cb] <+427>: nopl   (%rax,%rax)

Note that the right function in that stack is `Servo_SupportsRule_GetRules`, but that function is pretty similar to `Servo_StyleRule_GetStyle`, so I suspect the linker has unified them. However, those functions should not drop any arc.

Looking around, it seems that the linker has also unified `Servo_StyleRule_SetStyle` (which _does_ drop the `Arc<>`) too, since that symbol is at the same address. So I suspect that the LTO stuff has messed up, and has unified `Servo_SupportsRule_GetRules`, `Servo_StyleRule_GetStyle`, and `Servo_StyleRule_SetStyle`. I think that explains those crashes. But I'm not sure I can debug further to figure out _why_ thinlto has unified those. Any idea?

Back to Bug 1486042 Comment 63