Bug 1503559 Comment 0 Edit History

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Currently the Windows/Linux PGO builds use the following set of tests and pages to train the optimizer:

These tests may or may not exercise sufficient codepaths to optimize for page load.
This bug is to run an experiment where the PGO is trained on the raptor tp6 page load tests.
Whether or not this produces a better optimization can be tested by running the raptor tp6 test suite.
Currently the PGO builds use the following set of tests and pages to train the optimizer:

These tests may or may not exercise sufficient codepaths to optimize for page load.
This bug is to run an experiment where the PGO is trained on live websites. For example, the sites in the tp6-p1 corpus.
Whether or not this produces a better optimization can be tested by running the a visual metrics comparison with Browsertime.

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