Bug 1519954 Comment 5 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

modified   build/moz.configure/toolchain.configure
@@ -767,22 +767,24 @@ def toolchain_search_path_for(host_or_ta
         host: host_vc_compiler_path,
         target: vc_compiler_path,
-    @depends(vc_path, original_path)
+    @depends(vc_path, original_path, 'MOZ_AUTOMATION')
     @imports(_from='os', _import='environ')
-    def toolchain_search_path(vc_compiler_path, original_path):
-        result = list(original_path)
+    def toolchain_search_path(vc_compiler_path, original_path, automation):
+        vc_result = list(original_path)
         if vc_compiler_path:
             # The second item, if there is one, is necessary to have in $PATH for
             # Windows to load the required DLLs from there.
             if len(vc_compiler_path) > 1:
-                environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(result + vc_compiler_path[1:])
+                environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(vc_result + vc_compiler_path[1:])
             # The first item is where the programs are going to be
-            result.append(vc_compiler_path[0])
+            vc_result.append(vc_compiler_path[0])
+        result = list()
         # Also add in the location to which `mach bootstrap` or
         # `mach artifact toolchain` installs clang.
         mozbuild_state_dir = environ.get('MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH',
@@ -796,9 +798,17 @@ def toolchain_search_path_for(host_or_ta
         # Also add the rustup install directory for cargo/rustc.
         rustup_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.cargo', 'bin'))
-        return result
+        if not automation:
+            # Prefer ~/.mozbuild/clang for local developer builds.
+            return result + vc_result
+        else:
+            return vc_result + result
     return toolchain_search_path
modified   build/moz.configure/toolchain.configure
@@ -767,22 +767,24 @@ def toolchain_search_path_for(host_or_ta
         host: host_vc_compiler_path,
         target: vc_compiler_path,
-    @depends(vc_path, original_path)
+    @depends(vc_path, original_path, 'MOZ_AUTOMATION')
     @imports(_from='os', _import='environ')
-    def toolchain_search_path(vc_compiler_path, original_path):
-        result = list(original_path)
+    def toolchain_search_path(vc_compiler_path, original_path, automation):
+        vc_result = list(original_path)
         if vc_compiler_path:
             # The second item, if there is one, is necessary to have in $PATH for
             # Windows to load the required DLLs from there.
             if len(vc_compiler_path) > 1:
-                environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(result + vc_compiler_path[1:])
+                environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(vc_result + vc_compiler_path[1:])
             # The first item is where the programs are going to be
-            result.append(vc_compiler_path[0])
+            vc_result.append(vc_compiler_path[0])
+        result = list()
         # Also add in the location to which `mach bootstrap` or
         # `mach artifact toolchain` installs clang.
         mozbuild_state_dir = environ.get('MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH',
@@ -796,9 +798,17 @@ def toolchain_search_path_for(host_or_ta
         # Also add the rustup install directory for cargo/rustc.
         rustup_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.cargo', 'bin'))
-        return result
+        if not automation:
+            # Prefer ~/.mozbuild/clang for local developer builds.
+            return result + vc_result
+        else:
+            return vc_result + result
     return toolchain_search_path

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