This is an old bug and the implementation no longer fits the latest GV API. We have two GV APIs serving autofill/autocomplete situations: 1. The [Autofill API]( for integration with Android's AutofillManager. 2. The [Autocomplete API]( to expose Gecko autocomplete mechanics. The `datalist` options are best exposed via the Autocomplete API, either as a generic string option (combined with form history later) or as a specific new option type. We should not introduce a new API for it. Rendering the options should be delegated to the app, as with the rest of the autocomplete elements, for consistency (e.g, autocomplete selections are not going to be positioned relative to the input field).
Bug 1535985 Comment 18 Edit History
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This is an old bug and the implementation no longer fits the latest GV API. We have two GV APIs serving autofill/autocomplete situations: 1. The [Autofill API]( for integration with Android's AutofillManager. 2. The [Autocomplete API]( to expose Gecko autocomplete mechanics. The `datalist` options are best exposed via the Autocomplete API, either as a generic string option (combined with form history later) or as a specific new option type. We should not introduce a new API for it. Rendering the options should be delegated to the app, as with the rest of the autocomplete elements, for consistency (e.g, autocomplete selections are not going to be positioned relative to the input field). However, this case differs from the other autocomplete situations since the options are provided by content. We might want to have a default implementation for this in GV in the case when the app doesn't implement the delegate.