Hi Pascal, In trello I see following cards: https://trello.com/c/hXb8yJWG/3618-network-websocket-monitor-gsoc https://trello.com/c/cuqtUk84/805-network-websocket-monitor-gsoc These two seem to be related with PI: https://jira.mozilla.com/browse/PI-289 from Fx71. But, as I see the trello cards are for Fx 70. Jan, can you take a look at the mentioned trello cards and see if it they arerelated to PI-289? Also, please note that testing for Preliminary Pre-Release for Websocket Inspector feature is in progress.
Bug 1573805 Comment 10 Edit History
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Hi Pascal, In trello I see following cards: https://trello.com/c/hXb8yJWG/3618-network-websocket-monitor-gsoc https://trello.com/c/cuqtUk84/805-network-websocket-monitor-gsoc These two seem to be related with PI: https://jira.mozilla.com/browse/PI-289 from Fx71. But, as I see the trello cards are for Fx 70. Jan, can you take a look at the mentioned trello cards and see if they are related with PI-289? Also, please note that testing for Preliminary Pre-Release for Websocket Inspector feature is in progress.