(In reply to Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) from comment #35) > I don't think the rAF behavior with inactive refresh drivers is buggy, it's working what it's supposed to be. The behavior is reasonable, but is this the expected behavior for OOP iframe? Should we keep using the inactive refresh driver in OOP iframe with hidden animations? Now I have no idea about which refresh driver we should use for this case because we treat it as a background tab. > Anyway, a big question on this issue is why animation.ready will never be fulfilled. Not sure. I'm not familiar with how we handle animation events, so still have to debug this for the inactive refresh driver. > (another small question in my mind is whether the rAF behavior is same in the case of non Fission or not). In this case (without fission), the refresh driver of "parent.html" is a regular refresh driver (and "animation-ready.html" uses the same refresh driver), so rAF behavior is not the same.
Bug 1578309 Comment 36 Edit History
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(In reply to Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) from comment #35) > I don't think the rAF behavior with inactive refresh drivers is buggy, it's working what it's supposed to be. I see. The behavior is reasonable, but is this the expected behavior for OOP iframe? Should we keep using the inactive refresh driver in OOP iframe with hidden animations? Now I have no idea about which refresh driver we should use for this case because we treat it as a background tab. > Anyway, a big question on this issue is why animation.ready will never be fulfilled. Not sure. I'm not familiar with how we handle animation events, so still have to debug this for the inactive refresh driver. > (another small question in my mind is whether the rAF behavior is same in the case of non Fission or not). In this case (without fission), the refresh driver of "parent.html" is a regular refresh driver (and "animation-ready.html" uses the same refresh driver), so rAF behavior is not the same.
(In reply to Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) from comment #35) > I don't think the rAF behavior with inactive refresh drivers is buggy, it's working what it's supposed to be. I see. The behavior is reasonable. However, is this the expected behavior for OOP iframe? Should we keep using the inactive refresh driver in OOP iframe with hidden animations? Now I have no idea about which refresh driver we should use for this case because we treat it as a background tab. > Anyway, a big question on this issue is why animation.ready will never be fulfilled. Not sure, still have to debug this for the inactive refresh driver. Will update this later. > (another small question in my mind is whether the rAF behavior is same in the case of non Fission or not). In this case (without fission), the refresh driver of "parent.html" is a regular refresh driver (and "animation-ready.html" uses the same refresh driver), so rAF behavior is not the same.