(In reply to André Bargull [:anba] from comment #3) > (In reply to Tom Tung [:tt, :ttung] from comment #2) > > The code I use for skipping the test is: > > `skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty("Atomics")||!this.hasOwnProperty("getSharedArrayBuffer")) include test262/built-ins/Atomics/jstests.list` > > And that works on my local while running these tests. (I'm verifying if that also work on try or not now) > > That will also work, because it disables all Atomics tests and not only the tests for `Atomics.notify` and `Atomics.wait`. `!xulRuntime.shell` is maybe a bit cleaner than `!this.hasOwnProperty("getSharedArrayBuffer")`, because not only `getSharedArrayBuffer`, but also a couple of other required shell functions are missing when running in the browser, like `setSharedArrayBuffer` and `evalInWorker`. I see will change that to what you suggested (IIUC, `skip-if(!xulRuntime.shell) include test262/built-ins/Atomics/notify/jstests.list skip-if(!xulRuntime.shell) include test262/built-ins/Atomics/wait/jstests.list`). Thanks!
Bug 1598612 Comment 4 Edit History
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(In reply to André Bargull [:anba] from comment #3) > (In reply to Tom Tung [:tt, :ttung] from comment #2) > > The code I use for skipping the test is: > > `skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty("Atomics")||!this.hasOwnProperty("getSharedArrayBuffer")) include test262/built-ins/Atomics/jstests.list` > > And that works on my local while running these tests. (I'm verifying if that also work on try or not now) > > That will also work, because it disables all Atomics tests and not only the tests for `Atomics.notify` and `Atomics.wait`. `!xulRuntime.shell` is maybe a bit cleaner than `!this.hasOwnProperty("getSharedArrayBuffer")`, because not only `getSharedArrayBuffer`, but also a couple of other required shell functions are missing when running in the browser, like `setSharedArrayBuffer` and `evalInWorker`. I see will change that to what you suggested (IIUC, ``` skip-if(!xulRuntime.shell) include test262/built-ins/Atomics/notify/jstests.list skip-if(!xulRuntime.shell) include test262/built-ins/Atomics/wait/jstests.list ```). Thanks!
(In reply to André Bargull [:anba] from comment #3) > (In reply to Tom Tung [:tt, :ttung] from comment #2) > > The code I use for skipping the test is: > > `skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty("Atomics")||!this.hasOwnProperty("getSharedArrayBuffer")) include test262/built-ins/Atomics/jstests.list` > > And that works on my local while running these tests. (I'm verifying if that also work on try or not now) > > That will also work, because it disables all Atomics tests and not only the tests for `Atomics.notify` and `Atomics.wait`. `!xulRuntime.shell` is maybe a bit cleaner than `!this.hasOwnProperty("getSharedArrayBuffer")`, because not only `getSharedArrayBuffer`, but also a couple of other required shell functions are missing when running in the browser, like `setSharedArrayBuffer` and `evalInWorker`. I see will change that to what you suggested (IIUC, ``` skip-if(!xulRuntime.shell) include test262/built-ins/Atomics/notify/jstests.list skip-if(!xulRuntime.shell) include test262/built-ins/Atomics/wait/jstests.list ```). Thanks!
(In reply to André Bargull [:anba] from comment #3) > (In reply to Tom Tung [:tt, :ttung] from comment #2) > > The code I use for skipping the test is: > > `skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty("Atomics")||!this.hasOwnProperty("getSharedArrayBuffer")) include test262/built-ins/Atomics/jstests.list` > > And that works on my local while running these tests. (I'm verifying if that also work on try or not now) > > That will also work, because it disables all Atomics tests and not only the tests for `Atomics.notify` and `Atomics.wait`. `!xulRuntime.shell` is maybe a bit cleaner than `!this.hasOwnProperty("getSharedArrayBuffer")`, because not only `getSharedArrayBuffer`, but also a couple of other required shell functions are missing when running in the browser, like `setSharedArrayBuffer` and `evalInWorker`. I see will change that to what you suggested (IIUC, ``` skip-if(!xulRuntime.shell) include test262/built-ins/Atomics/notify/jstests.list skip-if(!xulRuntime.shell) include test262/built-ins/Atomics/wait/jstests.list ``` ). Thanks!