Bug 1601993 Comment 0 Edit History

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Firefox has a way of detecting slow startup times for profiles more than 90 days old. When it detects a slow startup, it shows a notification bar telling the user that Firefox seems slow to start and that they might want to refresh their profile (linking them to https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/reset-firefox-easily-fix-most-problems).

According to our stats, that page has been our #6 most visited SUMO article over the last several releases (after redirecting to https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/refresh-firefox-reset-add-ons-and-settings).

While we have Telemetry on startup times, we _don't_ have Telemetry in how users _interact with slow startup time_. This notification bar is really the only piece of UI that tries to empower the user with some ability to improve startup time. Knowing how often it appears and how often users interact with it could help illuminate how much pain our users are having out there with startup time.

The other possibility is that the notification bar is displaying at the wrong times, or too often. That's definitely worth fixing too.

Things I'd want to collect are:

1. Is the user profile configured to display the slow startup notification bar?
2. Has the notification bar been displayed in the current session?
3. What was the user's interaction with the notification bar, if anything?:
  1. Clicking on the link to the SUMO page
  2. Dismissing it
Firefox has a way of detecting slow startup times for profiles more than 90 days old. When it detects a slow startup, it shows a notification bar telling the user that Firefox seems slow to start and that they might want to refresh their profile (linking them to https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/reset-firefox-easily-fix-most-problems).

According to our stats, that page has been our #6 most visited SUMO article over the last several releases (after redirecting to https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/refresh-firefox-reset-add-ons-and-settings).

While we have Telemetry on startup times, we _don't_ have Telemetry in how users _interact with slow startup time_. This notification bar is really the only piece of UI that tries to empower the user with some ability to improve startup time. Knowing how often it appears and how often users interact with it could help illuminate how much pain our users are having out there with startup time.

The other possibility is that the notification bar is displaying at the wrong times, or too often. That's definitely worth fixing too.

Things I'd want to collect are:

1. Is the user profile configured to display the slow startup notification bar?
2. Has the notification bar been displayed in the current session?
3. What was the user's interaction with the notification bar, if anything? Did they click through to the SUMO page, or did they dismiss it?

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