Bug 1635490 Comment 15 Edit History

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Network requests from content scripts that are same-site (NOTE: same-site, not necessarily same-origin!) relative to the document's URL SHOULD still include samesite=lax cookies. This does apparently NOT happen.


1. Load the attached extension.
   (the extension will create a session cookie with SameSite=Lax at `httpbin.org`)
2. Click on the extension button to open https://httpbin.com/dummy
3. Look at the page (modified by the extension).

fetch to 'http://httpbin.org/cookies' received the following cookies: { "testcookie": "test from ..." }
This is a same-origin request, SameSite cookies should be included.

fetch to 'http://httpbin.org/cookies' received the following cookies: {}
This is a same-origin request, SameSite cookies should be included.

Note: The expected behavior occurs if you open the DevTools console for the page from step 3 and run `runTest()`
Note: The actual behavior (of not including cookies) is expected when you visit a third-party site such as example.com.
Network requests from content scripts that are same-site (NOTE: same-site, not necessarily same-origin!) relative to the document's URL SHOULD still include samesite=lax cookies. This does apparently NOT happen.


1. Load the attached extension.
   (the extension will create a session cookie with SameSite=Lax at `httpbin.org`)
2. Open https://httpbin.org/dummy
3. Look at the page (modified by the extension).

fetch to 'http://httpbin.org/cookies' received the following cookies: { "testcookie": "test from ..." }
This is a same-origin request, SameSite cookies should be included.

fetch to 'http://httpbin.org/cookies' received the following cookies: {}
This is a same-origin request, SameSite cookies should be included.

Note: The expected behavior occurs if you open the DevTools console for the page from step 3 and run `runTest()`
Note: The actual behavior (of not including cookies) is expected when you visit a third-party site such as example.com.

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