Bug 1638673 Comment 4 Edit History

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Hello Reporter,
Thanks for reporting this. 
I'd like to ask some question first:
In your description, POST request to https://ca.account.sony.com/api/v1/ssocookie fails with HTTP 403.
Does it come with different result from the browsers which are able to log in?

Could you try again for Firefox Nightly in desktop? As I know we may have fixes in current Nightly.
Hello Reporter,
Thanks for reporting this. 
I'd like to ask some question first:
In your description, POST request to https://ca.account.sony.com/api/v1/ssocookie fails with HTTP 403.
Does it come with a different result from the browsers which are able to log in?

Could you try again for Firefox Nightly in desktop? As I know we may have fixes in current Nightly.

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