Bug 1642549 Comment 8 Edit History

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Thanks Bert for the info, that was very helpful!

Looks like I have been battling two different bugs (which led to a very confusing day). The bug introduced by bug 1559861 only applies to mix-blend pictures. (Which is fixed by the patch I just attached)

The other bug causes the stretching seen in the test case, but it is unrelated to the mix-blend offset bug. Also, mozregression shows that it is not a regression from bug 1559861. I'll open a new issue so we can track that separate from this bug.
Thanks for the info Bert, that was very helpful!

Looks like I have been battling two different bugs (which led to a very confusing day). The bug introduced by bug 1559861 only applies to mix-blend pictures. (Which is fixed by the patch I just attached)

The other bug causes the stretching seen in the test case, but it is unrelated to the mix-blend offset bug. Also, mozregression shows that it is not a regression from bug 1559861. I'll open a new issue so we can track that separate from this bug.
Thanks for the info Bert, that was very helpful!

Looks like I have been battling two different bugs (which led to a very confusing day). The bug introduced by bug 1559861 only applies to mix-blend pictures. (Which is fixed by the patch I just attached)

The other bug causes the stretching seen in the test case, but it is unrelated to the mix-blend offset bug. Also, mozregression shows that it is not a regression from bug 1559861. I'll open a new issue so we can track that separate from this bug. (Bug 1643236)

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