Bug 1656379 Comment 5 Edit History

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Apparently there are some C++ compilers that have an issue with, for example:
void foo(int) {}

class bar {
  decltype(foo)* foo;
Other compilers (such as the ones I tested with) do not.

So to avoid this inconsistency in com, we're going to have to change our macro that defines these function pointers from
#define CUPS_SHIM_FUNC_DECL(X) decltype(X)* X;
#define CUPS_SHIM_FUNC_DECL(X) decltype(::X)* X;
so that we are explicit about `decltype`ing from the globally scoped function that exists in `cups.h`

I believe that should fix the issue.
Apparently there are some C++ compilers that have an issue with, for example:
void foo(int) {}

class bar {
  decltype(foo)* foo;
Other compilers (such as the ones I tested with) do not.

So to avoid this inconsistency in com, we're going to have to be explicit about the global scope. 
To fix the example, this would mean:
  decltype(::foo)* foo;
To fix this code, we'll have to change the declaration macro from
#define CUPS_SHIM_FUNC_DECL(X) decltype(X)* X;
#define CUPS_SHIM_FUNC_DECL(X) decltype(::X)* X;
so that we are explicit about `decltype`ing from the globally scoped function that exists in `cups.h`

I believe that should fix the issue.
Apparently there are some C++ compilers that have an issue with, for example:
void foo(int) {}

class bar {
  decltype(foo)* foo;
Other compilers (such as the ones I tested with) do not.

So to avoid this inconsistency in compilers, we're going to have to be explicit about the global scope. 

To fix the example, this would mean:
  decltype(::foo)* foo;
To fix this code, we'll have to change the declaration macro from
#define CUPS_SHIM_FUNC_DECL(X) decltype(X)* X;
#define CUPS_SHIM_FUNC_DECL(X) decltype(::X)* X;
so that we are explicit about `decltype`ing from the globally scoped function that exists in `cups.h`

I believe that should fix the issue.

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