Bug 1663859 Comment 31 Edit History

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Thanks, Zoe! This is the biggest TB 91 blocker right now. I appreciate you looking into it and fixing it.

The fix seems to be the same code as Neil did for Owl in bug 1555633 at [the end of the same file](https://searchfox.org/comm-central/source/mailnews/base/src/nsNewMailnewsURI.cpp#113).

Code NITs:
* Either move the inline function into the `else` block, where it's used, or use the function `NewURI` also in the `if` block, like: `NewURI(); return rv;`
Thanks, Zoe! This is the biggest TB 91 blocker right now. I appreciate you looking into it and fixing it.

The fix seems to be the same code as Neil did for Owl in bug 1555633 at [the end of the same file](https://searchfox.org/comm-central/source/mailnews/base/src/nsNewMailnewsURI.cpp#113).

Minor code NITs (doesn't change functionality at all, just easier to read code):
* Either move the inline function into the `else` block, where it's used, or use the function `NewURI` also in the `if` block, like: `NewURI(); return rv;`

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