Bug 1664906 Comment 0 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

If a `position:absolute` element whose parent has a `clip-path` is scrolled off the top of an ancestor's scrollport, the element is correctly clipped to both the given `clip-path` region and the scrollport until the APZ display port expires, at which point it pops up outside the scrollport, with only the `clip-path` region applied. The whole shebang needs to be enclosed in an iframe.
If a `position:absolute` element whose parent has a `clip-path` is scrolled off the top of an ancestor's scrollport, the element is correctly clipped to both the given `clip-path` region and the scrollport until the APZ display port expires, at which point it pops up outside the scrollport, with only the `clip-path` region applied. The whole shebang needs to be enclosed in an iframe.

edit: steps to reproduce in comment 5.

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