Bug 1672609 Comment 0 Edit History

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Fenix does not support CSS `cursor` property so users can be confused about whether something is clickable or not.

### How do you know that this problem exists today? Why is this important?

1. Open https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/cursor
2. Hover over the example and see whether cursor changes.
3. It does not

### Who will benefit from it?

Android users with mouse e.g. Samsung Dex users
Moved from https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/issues/16072

Fenix does not support CSS `cursor` property so users can be confused about whether something is clickable or not.

### How do you know that this problem exists today? Why is this important?

1. Open https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/cursor
2. Hover over the example and see whether cursor changes.
3. It does not

### Who will benefit from it?

Android users with mouse e.g. Samsung Dex users

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