Bug 1678045 Comment 6 Edit History

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(In reply to James Willcox (:snorp) (jwillcox@mozilla.com) (he/him) from comment #5)
> Ah, it seems this isn't working because https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/android-components/pull/8714 is still open on the A-C side. I get the same behavior as comment #4.

I don't believe the A-C changes can address what this request is asking for. 

In GeckoView, we always use the privileged gms APIs [here][0]. From the ActivityDelegate, we only launch call `activity.startIntentSenderForResult` and do not have control over which API can be used. For that, we would probably need to move more of the `WebAuthnTokenManager` to A-C instead of being a direct dependency of GV.

[0]: https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/f9ad45c76ba50bdee54bebd14e6625ae14d4d085/mobile/android/geckoview/src/main/java/org/mozilla/geckoview/WebAuthnTokenManager.java#236
(In reply to James Willcox (:snorp) (jwillcox@mozilla.com) (he/him) from comment #5)
> Ah, it seems this isn't working because https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/android-components/pull/8714 is still open on the A-C side. I get the same behavior as comment #4.

I don't believe the A-C changes can address what this request is asking for. 

In GeckoView, we always use the privileged gms APIs [here][0]. From the ActivityDelegate, we only launch `activity.startIntentSenderForResult` and do not have control over which API can be used. For that, we would probably need to move more of the `WebAuthnTokenManager` to A-C instead of being a direct dependency of GV.

[0]: https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/f9ad45c76ba50bdee54bebd14e6625ae14d4d085/mobile/android/geckoview/src/main/java/org/mozilla/geckoview/WebAuthnTokenManager.java#236

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