Bug 1690377 Comment 18 Edit History

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> I have yet to find any docs (either via firefox-source-docs or searchfox/yaml inspection) describing the intent behind base-toolchains versus other toolchains

"Base toolchain" jobs are CI tasks that assert that Firefox sources are still compatible with "baseline" versions of the platforms we depend on, such as GCC, Clang, and (according to this ticket) NodeJS.
Normally, we decide on that "baseline" version that we want to support based on our [supported configurations](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/build/buildsystem/supported-configurations.html). However, (IIUC), none of the supported systems mandate that NodeJS 10 is still supported - besides, as Dan linked earlier, [NodeJS 10 LTS is already entirely unsupported](https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/). If we _were_ to decide on a "base toolchain" for NodeJS, it should be NodeJS 12 LTS.

The part that confuses me is that Mike says that we should keep `base-toolchain` jobs on Node 10 for ESR. I agree that ESR should still use Node 10 instead of 12 for compatibility, but I'm unsure how changing the Node toolchain in `central` will affect the Node toolchain in ESR.
> I have yet to find any docs (either via firefox-source-docs or searchfox/yaml inspection) describing the intent behind base-toolchains versus other toolchains

"Base toolchain" jobs are CI tasks that assert that Firefox sources are still compatible with "baseline" versions of the platforms we depend on, such as GCC, Clang, and (according to this ticket) NodeJS.
Normally, we decide on that "baseline" version that we want to support based on our [supported configurations](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/build/buildsystem/supported-configurations.html). However, (IIUC), none of the supported systems mandate that NodeJS 10 is still supported - besides, as Dan linked earlier, [NodeJS 10 LTS is already entirely unsupported](https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/). If we _were_ to decide on a "base toolchain" for NodeJS, it should be NodeJS 12 LTS.

~The part that confuses me is that Mike says that we should keep `base-toolchain` jobs on Node 10 for ESR. I agree that ESR should still use Node 10 instead of 12 for compatibility, but I'm unsure how changing the Node toolchain in `central` will affect the Node toolchain in ESR.~ My mistake, missed the part about changing the toolchain for ESR.

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