Lack of support for `autocapitalize="none"` is impacting XTerm.js, used by some online IDEs such as StackBlitz (see e.g. Would be nice to have it in Firefox stable. Tested with XTerm.js on Android, with the default Google keyboard app and the "Auto-capitalization — Capitalize the first word of each sentence" option turned on (which is the default): - Chrome stable: Typing `node` outputs `node`. - Firefox Nightly: Typing `node` outputs `node`. - Firefox stable: Typing `node` outputs `Node`.
Bug 1692007 Comment 1 Edit History
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Lack of support for `autocapitalize="none"` is impacting XTerm.js, used by some online IDEs such as StackBlitz (see e.g. Would be nice to have it in Firefox stable. Tested with XTerm.js on Android, with the default Google keyboard app and the "Auto-capitalization — Capitalize the first word of each sentence" option turned on (which is the default): - Chrome stable: Typing `node` outputs `node`. - Firefox Nightly: Typing `node` outputs `node`. - Firefox stable: Typing `node` outputs `Node`. (Example user report for XTerm on with Firefox on Android: