(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #1) > (2) Tall grid rows (i.e. `display:grid` elements whose `grid-template-rows` property sets up a row that is itself taller than a page, either explicitly or due to being content-sized and having lots of content) Here's a testcase for this category. In this case, Chrome doesn't slice the text -- they seem to fragment properly and push a whole line of text to the next page. (Firefox does slice the text, just as in testcase 1.) Given this, it's possible/likely that we'll receive more interop bug reports for this category than for the first category.
Bug 1759926 Comment 3 Edit History
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(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #1) > (2) Tall grid rows (i.e. `display:grid` elements whose `grid-template-rows` property sets up a row that is itself taller than a page, either explicitly or due to being content-sized and having lots of content) Here's a testcase for this category. In this case, Chrome doesn't slice the text -- they seem to fragment properly and push a whole line of text to the next page. (Firefox does slice the text, just as in testcase 1.) Given that this category (grids with tall rows), it's likely that we'll receive more interop bug reports for this category than for the first category (inline-block etc.), and it's possible we'll need to come up with a mitigation for this, i.e. an improvement to our grid layout code to handle this scenario better.