Bug 1769060 Comment 15 Edit History

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Reopening -- as discussed on the [Chromium bug report](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1327794), their behavior might make sense after all.  It sounds like they compute a sticky-positioned box's scrollable-overflow-area *as if it were at its static position*, which is why they behave as if `#sticky-inner` were pushed out of the scrollport here.

bug 1748891 is related and I'm hoping to land a fix for that issue soon, which might bring us into interoperability on the testcases here; though we may also need to fix bug 1770516 before we match other browsers on the testcases here.
Reopening -- as discussed on the [Chromium bug report](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1327794), their behavior might make sense after all.  It sounds like they compute a sticky-positioned box's scrollable-overflow-area *as if it were at its static position*, which is why they behave as if `#sticky-inner` were pushed out of the scrollport here.

bug 1748891 is related and I'm hoping to land a fix for that issue soon, which might bring us into interoperability on the testcases here; though we may also need to fix bug 1770516 ([edit] which is now duped to bug 1419142) before we match other browsers on the testcases here.

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