Bug 1770790 Comment 0 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

Long email addresses which don't happen to have a hyphen aren't overflowing correctly in the new contact view. Out of bounds and the end hidden behind the adjacent display panel (which is somewhat better...).

The long name in the screenshot below is a well-known real German name, so although it's a bit of an edge case, it can easily happen in the real world.
Long email addresses which don't happen to have a hyphen aren't overflowing correctly in the new contact view. Out of bounds and the end hidden behind the adjacent display panel (which at least limits the visual damage...).

The long name in the screenshot below is a well-known real German name, so although it's a bit of an edge case, it can easily happen in the real world.
Long email addresses which don't happen to have a hyphen aren't overflowing correctly in the new contact view. Out of bounds and the end hidden behind the adjacent display panel (which at least limits the visual damage...).

The long surname in the screenshot below is a well-known real German name, so although it's a bit of an edge case, it can easily happen in the real world.

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