Bug 1776187 Comment 0 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

**Found in**
* Nightly 103.0a1

**Affected versions**
* Nightly 103.0a1

**Affected platforms**
* Windows 10
* Windows 7
* macOS 12

**Steps to reproduce**
1. Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeTYc-ouATw
2. Launch video in Pip and UnPip using the mouse
3. Launch video in Pip and UnPip using the keybords Ctrl +]
4. Hover over the origin video

**Expected result**
* PiP toggle should be displayed when hovering on the origin video.

**Actual result**
* After launching the video in PiP and then UnPiP-ing it using first the mouse and then the keyboards, the PiP toggle is no longer displayed in the origin video.
PiP toggle is visible again in the origin video when moving the mouse pointer away from the video and tehn hover over it again.

**Regression range**
* We'll look for a possible regression range as soon as possible.
**Found in**
* Nightly 103.0a1

**Affected versions**
* Nightly 103.0a1

**Affected platforms**
* Windows 10
* Windows 7
* macOS 12

**Steps to reproduce**
1. Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeTYc-ouATw
2. Launch video in Pip and UnPip using the mouse
3. Launch video in Pip and UnPip using the keyboards Ctrl +]
4. Hover over the origin video

**Expected result**
* PiP toggle should be displayed when hovering on the origin video.

**Actual result**
* After launching the video in PiP and then UnPiP-ing it using first the mouse and then the keyboards, the PiP toggle is no longer displayed in the origin video.
PiP toggle is visible again in the origin video when moving the mouse pointer away from the video and then hover over it again.

**Regression range**
* We'll look for a possible regression range as soon as possible.
**Found in**
* Nightly 103.0a1

**Affected versions**
* Nightly 103.0a1

**Affected platforms**
* Windows 10
* Windows 7
* macOS 12

**Steps to reproduce**
1. Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeTYc-ouATw
2. Launch video in Pip and UnPip using the mouse
3. Launch video in Pip and UnPip using the keyboards Ctrl +]
4. Hover over the origin video

**Expected result**
* PiP toggle should be displayed when hovering over the origin video.

**Actual result**
* After launching the video in PiP and then UnPiP-ing it using first the mouse and then the keyboards, the PiP toggle is no longer displayed in the origin video.
PiP toggle is visible again in the origin video when moving the mouse pointer away from the video and then hover over it again.

**Regression range**
* We'll look for a possible regression range as soon as possible.
**Found in**
* Nightly 103.0a1

**Affected versions**
* Nightly 103.0a1

**Affected platforms**
* Windows 10
* Ubuntu 22.04
* macOS 12

**Steps to reproduce**
1. Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeTYc-ouATw
2. Launch video in Pip and UnPip using the mouse
3. Launch video in Pip and UnPip using the keyboards Ctrl +]
4. Hover over the origin video

**Expected result**
* PiP toggle should be displayed when hovering over the origin video.

**Actual result**
* After launching the video in PiP and then UnPiP-ing it using first the mouse and then the keyboards, the PiP toggle is no longer displayed in the origin video.
PiP toggle is visible again in the origin video when moving the mouse pointer away from the video and then hover over it again.

**Regression range**
* We'll look for a possible regression range as soon as possible.

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