Thomas smoketested [TB 102.0.3 candidate build]( today, and using steps from bug 1777454 Comment 55, he was not been able to reproduce the inbox display corruption. It would be great if users affected by this bug could try the following: 1. On [TB 102.0.2 (affected)](, execute STR of bug 1777454 comment 55, which should cause message display corruption on the last received message (at least). 2. On [TB 102.0.3 candidate build](, execute STR of bug 1777454 comment 55 again (try to do it in exactly the same way) - which should no longer cause message display corruption. 3. Let us know SUCCESS if you're seeing the problem in 102.0.2, but no longer seeing it in 102.0.3. Otherwise report FAIL if you cannot reproduce with comment 55 in 102.0.2 OR if you can still reproduce in 102.0.3, and say where/in which way it failed. Keep your comment as short as possible. Please comment in only one bug report.
Bug 1777738 Comment 37 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
Thomas smoketested [TB 102.0.3 candidate build]( today, and using steps from bug 1777454 Comment 55, he was not been able to reproduce the inbox display corruption. It would be great if users affected by this bug could try the following: 1. On [TB 102.0.2 (affected)](, execute STR of bug 1777454 comment 55, which should cause message display corruption on the last received message (at least). 2. On [TB 102.0.3 candidate build](, execute STR of bug 1777454 comment 55 again (try to do it in exactly the same way) - which should no longer cause message display corruption. 3. Let us know SUCCESS if you're seeing the problem in 102.0.2, but no longer seeing it in 102.0.3. Otherwise report FAIL if you cannot reproduce with bug 1777454 comment 55 in 102.0.2 OR if you can still reproduce in 102.0.3, and say where/in which way it failed. Keep your comment as short as possible. Please comment in only one bug report.