Bug 1780188 Comment 11 Edit History

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(In reply to Ryan VanderMeulen [:RyanVM] from comment #9)
> Why didn't tests catch this?

The test sets [`Services.telemetry.canRecordExtended = true`](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/ffb50da3ca89100b6ae5054cfe69c187679515f0/browser/components/urlbar/tests/browser/browser_urlbar_telemetry_autofill.js#172). `canRecordExtended` is false on Release, so if the test had not done that, there would have been failures on Release and we would have caught it. (There was discussion in the [Phabricator revision](https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D149355) about `canRecordExtended` being required to fix some failures on try, but I don't think any of the builds on try would have disabled extended recording, so it doesn't seem like the same problem.)

[A number of urlbar tests](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/search?q=canRecordExtended&path=browser%2Fcomponents%2Furlbar&case=false&regexp=false) and other front-end tests do this, and I'm not sure what we should do about it yet, but I filed bug 1780482 for it.
(In reply to Ryan VanderMeulen [:RyanVM] from comment #9)
> Why didn't tests catch this?

The test sets [`Services.telemetry.canRecordExtended = true`](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/ffb50da3ca89100b6ae5054cfe69c187679515f0/browser/components/urlbar/tests/browser/browser_urlbar_telemetry_autofill.js#172). `canRecordExtended` is false on Release, so if the test had not done that, there would have been failures on Release and we would have caught it. (There was discussion in the [Phabricator revision](https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D149355) about `canRecordExtended` being required to fix some failures on try, but I don't think any of the builds on try would have disabled extended recording, so it doesn't seem like the same problem. [Edit: Looks like the ASAN and/or TSAN builds may disable it, so it is probably the same problem])

[A number of urlbar tests](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/search?q=canRecordExtended&path=browser%2Fcomponents%2Furlbar&case=false&regexp=false) and other front-end tests do this, and I'm not sure what we should do about it yet, but I filed bug 1780482 for it.

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