Things aren't looking good :-( There are now five crash reports with `PinSidecarCoreTextCStringSections()` in their proto signatures -- including three that I missed because of problems with the new symbol upload for macOS 13.4 (which came out a few days ago). Looks like another failed patch. But it'll be at least a week before I know for sure.
Bug 1801419 Comment 56 Edit History
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Things aren't looking good :-( There are now five crash reports with `PinSidecarCoreTextCStringSections()` in their proto signatures -- including three that I missed because of problems with the symbol server upload for macOS 13.4 (which came out a few days ago). Looks like another failed patch. But it'll be at least a week before I know for sure.
Things aren't looking good :-( There are now five crash reports with `PinSidecarCoreTextCStringSections()` in their proto signatures -- including three that I missed because of problems with the symbol server upload for macOS 13.4 (which came out a few days ago). Looks like another failed patch. But it'll be at least a week before I know for sure. Edit: By comparing its stacks with my hook library's output, it seems that the `libsystem_kernel.dylib@0x2972` signature translates to `mig_strncpy_zerofill`.