Bug 1809740 Comment 5 Edit History

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FYI, MDN work for this is a bit late, but can be tracked in https://github.com/mdn/content/issues/23564

My understanding is that `flipY` and `from-image` respect EXIF metadata (and that the proposed `none`, will not). Is that correct? (I ask because the  [spec](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/imagebitmap-and-animations.html#dom-imagebitmapoptions-imageorientation) says the opposite:

> If the value of the imageOrientation member of options is "flipY", output must be flipped vertically, disregarding any image orientation metadata of the source (such as EXIF metadata), if any.
FYI, MDN work for this is a bit late, but can be tracked in https://github.com/mdn/content/issues/23564

My understanding is that `flipY` and `from-image` respect EXIF metadata (and that the proposed `none`, will not). Is that correct? (I ask because the  [spec](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/imagebitmap-and-animations.html#dom-imagebitmapoptions-imageorientation) says the opposite:

> If the value of the imageOrientation member of options is "flipY", output must be flipped vertically, disregarding any image orientation metadata of the source (such as EXIF metadata), if any.

Normally I'd just follow the spec, but there seems to be an intent to match the [CSS spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-images-3/#the-image-orientation) in which both "flipY" and "from-image" use EXIF hints.
FYI, MDN work for this is a bit late, but can be tracked in https://github.com/mdn/content/issues/23564

My understanding is that `flipY` and `from-image` respect EXIF metadata (and that the proposed `none`, will not). Is that correct? (I ask because the  [spec](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/imagebitmap-and-animations.html#dom-imagebitmapoptions-imageorientation) says the opposite for `flipY`:

> If the value of the imageOrientation member of options is "flipY", output must be flipped vertically, disregarding any image orientation metadata of the source (such as EXIF metadata), if any.

Normally I'd just follow the spec, but there seems to be an intent to match the [CSS spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-images-3/#the-image-orientation) in which both "flipY" and "from-image" use EXIF hints.

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