Bug 1843534 Comment 3 Edit History

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The Pixel 5 family is also affected via the same mechanism, but due to a [different CPU erratum](https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/msm/+/refs/heads/android-msm-redbull-4.19-android13/drivers/clocksource/arm_arch_timer.c#498), which affects Cortex A76 and Kyro 4G (of which the pixel 5 has the latter core).

While the pixel 6 family has a Cortex A76, it is not affected due to [this commit](https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/common/+/0f80cad3124f986d0e46c14d46b8da06d87a2bf4) which restricts that workaround to AArch32 mode.
The Pixel 5 family is also affected via the same mechanism, but due to a [different CPU erratum](https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/msm/+/refs/heads/android-msm-redbull-4.19-android13/drivers/clocksource/arm_arch_timer.c#498), which affects Cortex A76 and Kyro 4G (of which the pixel 5 has the latter core).

While the pixel 6 family has a Cortex A76, it is not affected due to [this commit](https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/common/+/0f80cad3124f986d0e46c14d46b8da06d87a2bf4) which restricts that workaround to AArch32 mode.

There are other affected devices too with different CPUs, and sometimes 2 devices may have the same CPU and kernel version but one is affected and one is not. But I'm confident enough that this is our cause, and will chaulk that up to vendors cherry-picking different patches on to their kernels.

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